Radiation..after symtoms

  • 17 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Reading other stories..I feel I'm not so bad as some people...I have severe lower abdominal pain ..etc..its 7 months after my treatment...I  keeping a food diary to see if it helps..anybody else being a detective with the food they eat ? X

  • Hi and welcome to this little corner of the site.

    Oh the post treatment challenges..... you don’t get much warning about these.

    I obviously had a completely different type of cancer and treatment journey but one of my treatment ‘left overs’ (I call them) is my “most impressive Hiatus Hernia” as it was told to me.

    This was over 5 years back and It took about 2 years you discover what I should or more importantly should not eat.

    Lets see if someone with the same treatment journey is looking in (Cervical Cancer?)


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Glitter,

    I had pelvic radiotherapy (external and internal) about 6 years ago and I have after effects.

    I have a fistula (down below) which was caused by radiotherapy and I leak constantly. I have said no to having it repaired as it requires another major operation.

    I have two stomas (a colostomy and an urostomy) which are fine. Due to several major operations and the radiotherapy this has also caused scar tissue which causes obstructions and pain.

    I was in hospital over the weekend for a bowel obstruction. The CT scan showed scar tissue which is caused the obstruction and thankfully nothing ominous was in the scan (yay and thank you). My blood tests were good to.

    I worry most of the time and any ache or pain sends my mind off in all different directions.

    Mike on here is a wonderful man and offers lots of help and support, plus he will make you laugh.

    Sending love and good vibes.



  • you are making a Highlander blush..... Blush

    Lisa is a great support and has walked the walk.

    The drawing below says two things.....The top is what a lot of people think that life should be like after treatment is finished..... the bottom is the reality ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you Mike. The illustrations are true. My aunt's boyfriend once told me that I am better and not too wallow! Some people just don't understand.

    Radiotherapy works and I am grateful and thankful, it is the after effects which we have to deal with, along with any operations.

    I hope the weather is lovely with you, it is beautiful here in Cardiff.

    Love and great vibes 



  • Great up with us Lisa.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for the lovely photograph and it looks beautiful (and yourselves) do to. 

    Enjoy the weather and the rugby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hello..thank you for your reply..yes it's a shock to find you have after effects..glad I've found this corner x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LisaCardiff

    Hello..OMG..you have what I dread will happen to me..I dont think I could cope with what you have been through :o{


  • Good morning .

    I don’t know if you have seen great paper After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey?

    You may find it helpful to make a cuppa and have a look.

    Frosty day up in the Highlands but another walk is in order I think.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you I shall check it out X