Radiation..after symtoms

  • 17 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Reading other stories..I feel I'm not so bad as some people...I have severe lower abdominal pain ..etc..its 7 months after my treatment...I  keeping a food diary to see if it helps..anybody else being a detective with the food they eat ? X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    I read  the PAPER..Mr Highlander..was a great read..thank you x

  • ......the challenge is what we all do in relation to moving life forward in each of the areas highlighted.

    What steps am I taking to regain trusts in my body?

    What steps am I taking to regain trust in myself?

    What steps am I taking to overcome living with uncertainty?

    What steps am I taking to deal with the world?

    What steps am I taking to regain mastery and control of my life?

    .......the future is sitting in front of you - think about driving a car. The big windscreen shows the future, the past is in the little mirrors and is getting smaller and more fuzzy as we move forward.....if you concentrate on the past you crash ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Glitter,

    I hope you are okay.

    I have had my stomas for about 4 or 5 years. I am use to them but they are a constant reminder of what I have been through. Plus the obstructions caused by the scar tissue is frightening, as the pain is excruciating. My fistula leaks constantly again this causes me some concern due to change of colour of the discharge. 

    I have been discharged from the cancer hospital (yay and thank you) and GPs hear two stomas or a fistula and they tell me it isn't their area of expertise! While it is great to be discharged from the cancer hospital, I feel scared being on my own.

    At least my CT scan came back showing scar tissue and nothing ominous and my blood tests were very good.

    Take care,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you Mr Highlander..that makes sense...I will try my best to concentrate on the road..I'll need to look past over the bonnet...I dont know how you cope X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LisaCardiff

    Hello Lisa...you've been through so much I can only try to emagine what your going through..sometimes Google is a bad thing to do but I've had a lot of information I'm trying out..like scars..i found on utube  videos on how to manipulate and stretch where scaring is..

    I havent had my results yet from my bowel CT scan and I'm hoping no news is good news before my appointment 

    Stay safe X

  • Hi Glitter,

    Fingers crossed for your results and please let us know how you get on. 

    I was admitted last weekend with a bowel obstruction and I had blood tests, x-ray and a CT scan. I was told my blood were very good and the CT scan showed scar tissue. I asked if there was anything ominous? And I was told no. Which I am pleased about but I worry constantly.

    Thinking about you and fingers crossed. 

    Sending you love and good vibes,



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LisaCardiff

    Hi Lisa...that blockage must have been so painful for you..glad you  came through it ....and got a bit of sort of good news

    I dont know how you cope ...as well as the Corona virus to deal with

    Hope you have someone to care for you..

    My appointment is near end of this month..dont want to phone to see how things are going..just keep thinking..no news could be good news..

    Hope your more comfortable and thank you for your good wishes and send the same back to you
