Five year wobble

  • 3 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi, I know that I’ve been really fortunate in that I’m getting close to the five year ‘all clear‘ for breast cancer. It’s strange though because, instead of feeling relieved, I feel full of fear! Not helped by receiving a letter from my doctor yesterday saying I wouldn’t be receiving my final mammogram because of a back up of treatments caused by COVID. I get it - it just made me feel cut adrift.

Does anyone else feel so scared at this stage of it returning and your life being thrown into disarray again? I’m starting to relive that awful first year in my head every time I try and sleep.

On a practical note, I’m hoping that getting to five years means the end of having to take tamoxifen but do you need to discuss this with anyone or do I just come off it? There should be a guide book......

  • Hi  and welcome to the Mac Community and to this little corner. 

    5 year wobble, does it get any better?...... I think it does but just takes time..... but a post treatment guid book would be great.

    I will be 5 years in October and I have to say that I have just got on with life even although I have had a lot of post treatment infections.

    COVID has played havoc with all things medical and has indeed increased the stress levels. I am now on day 108 since I started my lockdown/shielding but as we have a garden, it now looks great ;) but it has been good to get out and about more.

    For me, reaching 5 years will be amazing as in late 2013 I was given a few years on the clock and treatment had to work (see my profile) but I am way past this and now looking at the past in a little mirror and see the future through the wide windscreen.

    We often post this great paper as it does unpack the post treatment life, have a read and get back with your thoughts.

    You questions about Tamoxifen could be put to the folks in our Breast cancer group.

    Always around to chat.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi Mike - The Highlander,

    Thank you so much for responding so quickly and for being so helpful. I’ve posted my tamoxifen question to the online nurse and will hopefully get some clarity. Failing that, I could always just pick up the phone to my former treatment centre - you always just feel like they have a million things to do though!

    I’m so pleased you’re reaching your 5 year milestone in such a positive frame of mind and that’s despite everything you’ve had to deal with. I have lived positively since my diagnosis and following the first year of treatment  - and this sudden fear is new. I absolutely love your phrase of looking at the past in a little mirror and seeing the future through a wide windscreen though. That has really touched a chord and I’m stealing it as a bit of a mantra!

    Thanks again

  • Hi again, well done putting up your question - It may take a day for them to get back to you as they can be very busy but yes, you could ‘try’ and call your team.

    I like mental pictures as they speak louder than words - what about this one: 

    The ‘cancer anxiety train’ is sitting in the station....... but we can only get on it if we go get a ticket....... don’t get a ticket’

    You could also have a look at this old Community Blog - follow this LINK and have a look.....saves me typing it all out again ;) 

    What jumped out at you from the paper?

    Highlander ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge