How should i feel

  • 7 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi just need to see if im out of the normal in relation to recovery. 

I have had breast cancer in my right breast and right lymph nodes. 

I had Chemo right, mascetomy and lymph node removal followed by 36 sessions of radiotherapy. I finished Chemo August 2018 had surgery September 2018 and finished my radiotherapy end December 2018 so am just 18 months finished treatment. 

My question is, is it normal to still feel pain in right breast Aera and also tightness like chest pain over whole chest aera. My main concern is that i feel so weak most of the time and feel embarrassed by this as i feel i should be more or less back to normal. 

Would be intrested to here if you anyone in same situation after same treatment


  • Sorry don't know how to edit last post should all be 2018

    Just take each day as it comes and make the best of the ones you can 

  • Hi Trish  and welcome to this little corner of the Community.

    First - to edit a post go to the bottom of your post, hit More then use the edit tool.

    As you wait for a reply you could also want to post your question in our Breast cancer group as there a lot who hang around post treatments.

    As to what the post treatment ‘normal’ is have a look at this great paper as it does unpack the post treatment milestones.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you 

    Just take each day as it comes and make the best of the ones you can 

  • FormerMember


    I finished treatment for left breast cancer, having chemotherapy, op including taking nodes and then radiotherapy finishing last may.  

    I was not told I was clear but just they think they got it all, nothing more, I have no feeling in my arm and shoulder they don`t seem at all worried about it and have pains in my breast and neck and shoulders all the time, which they don`t seem at all interested in either,  saying it is to be expected! 

    I do find it quite surprising, I am also exhausted all the time and tried going back to work but have just decided I1m going to give myself some time, I think  returned to work too soon.

    So yes I would say I feel the same as you 


  • Hi Jackie65

    Thanks for your reply. Im sorry to here that you are feeling the same although selflessly reassured that im not just being a wimp. 

    I also went back to work as a waitress and bar work before the lock down but really struggled and have not been able to go back since.

    I was also not told that i was clear just that I was high risk of recurring. The tiredness is my biggest problem but as you say they just seem to say  its normal.

    Hope you feel stronger soon 


    Just take each day as it comes and make the best of the ones you can 

  • Hi, I've just read the paper you recommended & wanted to say thanks. It made so much sense to me & helped make me realise what im feeling now the treatment is over is normal and all part of the recovery process 

  • , I see it’s your first post so welcome to the Community.

    I am pleased that you found the paper helpful. I often think that most people believe that recovery is like flicking a light switch.

    Months of diagnosis then treatment and then once it’s finished we should be able to jump back into all things normal ...... but as a lot of people come to understand this in fact is not how it works...... what is normal.

    The recovery process is like climbing a mountain, it can only be done in section. Back in November one of my answers in the Life after Cancer group was made into a Community Blog - follow this LINK and have a look.....saves me typing it all out again and see what you think.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge