Breast cancer

  • 44 replies
  • 36 subscribers


I was diagnosed with breast cancer jan 2019 .I had surgery chemotherypy and radiotherypy. My treatment finished in September and am now on a 5 year hormone tablet Anastrozole . 

I thought I would ok but to tell the truth I sometimes get low and could cry I have aches and pains especially in my hands and as for going back to work I cant even think about it as get anxious. My hair is starting to grow back but I dont feel like me anymore, is this normal ? 

How long after treatment before you go back to work is it weeks months or what? 

I have been told I have got to stay in for 12 weeks due to coronavirus although my immune system is ok .

I know I am rambling on but would be good to hear from others that feel like this hope I get some replies

Take care 

Lucky 3

  • This is great 

    Wonderful hot day up in Inverness!!!...... as lots of Scots would say it's "Sun's Oot Taps Aff" weather :) 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I got up this morning to a beatiful clear blue sky encompassing a gloriously warm and radiant sunshine, and the first thing I read was this wonderful poem - so poignant and a truly lovely way to start the day. Thank you LB61 for posting this, just what I needed.

    I wish everyone a really good day today.

    Take care and best wishes



  • Hi

    i am new to posting/blogs etc so sorry if this doesn’t get to you. I was diagnosed three small lumps jan 20 and then had surgery, radiology and am now on tamoxifen tablets. Like you I was given anastrozole but could not tolerate aches and pains from this drug. I was given the option to try tamoxifen another hormone treatment. I have been on this drug since Feb and feel much better on these tabs. No aches and pains and I can continue my running. There is an annoying hot flashes mostly at night so it’s not without side effects. Also I am taking 20mgs per day but asked breast care nurse if I could cut the tablets into two and take them in the morning and evening. Taken with   Liquid and food. It is tolerable by taking twice a day -   Hope this helps you.   Thanks.  Boj

  • Hi , you might want to look into sage re hot flushes.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember


    I`m very like you, diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2018 and then had chemotherapy, operation and then radiotherapy, finishing last May.  I went back to work soon afterwards insistent to my husband that I just wanted to be "normal" again but I am finding now a year later that I did the completely the wrong thing.  I feel exhausted and very tearful, probably the covid situation doesn`help, I get very worried about the whole thing.  I know I am obsessed about it coming back and every ache and pain alarms me. 

    I wouldn`t rush back to work as I did, would be great to get some support from someone who has been through this too, something I have lacked 


  • Hi 

    Sorry you are feeling so low it's horrible isnt it ? 

    Thank you for replying.

    Are you on 5year hormone tablet aswell 

    Thank you for the advise both my partner and my 2 girls have told me not to go back as the say I wouldn't cope, like you this covid doesnt help and I am also on a trail drug to . 

    Is there a 'normal' after cancel ??cause at the moment I'm not feeling it at all. 


  • Hi 

    Thanks for that I will speak to my oncologist when I go to see him next, it's the aches and pains what are getting me down so far no hot flushes 

    Lucky 3

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to lucky3


    I tried tree types of hormones but got such bad side effects that I have stopped at the moment.  I found I lost sensation in my fingers, very similar to the chemo, I found it very hard to cope with and the thought of 5 years feeling like that really made me feel very low.

      I agree I don`t think there is any sort of normal anymore my body has taken over and a slave to how it feels and my emotions are all over the place!  It would be nice to feel like I used to!!  

    Nice talk with someone who understands, thank you 


  • How about sage?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi 

    What is safe? 
