Breast cancer

  • 44 replies
  • 36 subscribers


I was diagnosed with breast cancer jan 2019 .I had surgery chemotherypy and radiotherypy. My treatment finished in September and am now on a 5 year hormone tablet Anastrozole . 

I thought I would ok but to tell the truth I sometimes get low and could cry I have aches and pains especially in my hands and as for going back to work I cant even think about it as get anxious. My hair is starting to grow back but I dont feel like me anymore, is this normal ? 

How long after treatment before you go back to work is it weeks months or what? 

I have been told I have got to stay in for 12 weeks due to coronavirus although my immune system is ok .

I know I am rambling on but would be good to hear from others that feel like this hope I get some replies

Take care 

Lucky 3