Life after cancer part 2

  • 3 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi all it has been a while since I have posted here as I tend to post on the womb Cancer site.  I recurred 6 months after my op. (this was my first treatment) and had salvage brachy for the recurrence and I have been in remission since May last year. I think my 4th 3 monthly will be a telephone call but I'm OK with that. I feel good and although recently I have been diagnosed with radiation procitis I take comfort in that I had a body CT scan and pelvis MRI prior to the colonscopy and they were clear.  I find that I am now in a very different place than first time around, I still have fear and uncertainty but it's different than before maybe because my cancer came back or I am accepting that I have/had cancer.  What has changed I am actually feeling that I'm living and moving on with my life. Health wise I'm beginning to be more positive as I have had 2 non cancer diagnosis Yeh.  I am at a cross roads in my cancer journey feeling on foot in the cancer world and a tentive one believing that this time I will remain NED.  I'm finally getting my head around this and I am moving forward.  What I have shared here I have shared with my family but they don't seem to get it.  I have taken 5 steps forward and hope I don't take 6 back. Thank you for listening Dawn x

  • Good morning , thank you so much for dropping in past and posting this.

    I think many folks can understand and indeed relate to the picture of standing at the 'crossroads of life' and looking at the best way to move on with life - whatever this 'life' will look like.

    Our granddaughters like to play with Jenga and I have often thought that this is a good metaphor for getting a cancer diagnosis. We open all our time building life then our world falls down around us with a cancer diagnosis and for some it's as though our life has been crushed and we can't see how we can rebuild.

    But my granddaughters play another game with Jenga and that is to build something new, full of fun to repurpose the bricks......... it becomes an adventure.

    I think we take all the pieces that are laying at our feet and rebuild and most likely not the same way as before as a Jenga tower is not that stable.

    We put the pieces together and construct a firmer foundation that can support us and help us move on post treatment.

    I think that we start to cut up the Jenga pieces, discarding some of the 'stuff' we have collected, or the 'stuff' that is just not that important now and build an even better picture to aim life towards.

    Focus on the future as when you look back you can trip up.

    ((hugs)) from a safe distance.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi The Highlander Thank you for your lovely reply and I think you have captured how the cancer journey and moving forward beautifully.

    I showed your reply to my sister who I think gets it now she griefs for the person I was and is scared of me going back to my dark days. I'm still finding new coping strategies and at the moment that's just not focus on cancer and do things that I would do like looking after my hubby, home and family.  I still have the anxiety before my checks but afterwards the cancer is parked and I just live day by day.


    Xx Dawn

  • Good morning Dawn , these uncertain times have most likely opened up a new view on life for a high percentage of people and as to what they see as important and what they put at the top of their 'important' list.

    I do actually think that people who have been through a cancer journey are slightly better positioned with regards to fear and dealing with uncertainty than those who have been thrown into the virus lockdown....... what will 'normal' look like in the future?

    I am so pleased that you found my reply helpful. I remember our oldest granddaughter (7 years old) saying "this is a silly game grandad, it's not strong enough - we need to build it differently" clever girl I would say. I do love images and pictures and use them a lot on this group as these help us imagine what we are aiming for.

    Lets try another one and your sister can have a look and try your shoes on again. Back in November one of my post replies in this group was made into a little Community Blog - follow this LINK and have a look.....saves me typing it all out again.

    Once you have looked at it - do come back with your thoughts.

    Beautiful day again so out to the garden.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge