CT colonoscopy when you have an Ileostomy

  • 16 replies
  • 35 subscribers

My husband needed to have a CT Colonosvopy as the colonoscopy could not get past his tumour.

He has a stoma from an ileostomy.

He was sent by the surgeon for the test but the radiography department say they can’t do it as they cannot inflate his colon with air when there is no where for it to escape from.

Any ideas?

Has anyone had a CT Colonoscopy when they have an ileostomy stoma?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beanie - sorry to hear about your husband - I really think you need to go back to the Consultant - Don't let them fob you off ok?

    Hope you get the right help - take care x

  • Hi Beanie2024

    I had one 2 years ago before my loop ileostomy was changed to a colostomy. They called it a CT colonography and filled me so full of air I thought I would explode! I'm sorry I can't remember how the air came out, but is it not possible to come out the same way it went in? Or am I being really stupid?

  • Hi Catgirl2

    Thank you thats exactly what I thought surely if it goes in anally it comes out the same way.

    I have gone back to the consultant as it seems they didn’t have a clue what they were doing in radiography.

    They actually sent us bowel prep and we checked with stoma nurse that was not needed.

    Colonoscopy is in large bowel which is not being used at the moment as ileostomy is from small bowel.

    It worries me that they don’t understand these things when due to do a CT colonograpjy..

  • Hello Beanie2024,

    I found the same with radiologists, which was a cause for concern. Sometimes you have to challenge the information you are given despite the general view that no-one likes to be told they are wrong - particularly experts. Follow your instincts!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Beanie2024

    I have been told that I will need a colonoscopy through my stoma!!!!!!!!!!  I had a ileostomy on the 18th June - so my large bowel was removed due to a very aggressive cancer. Have a appointment with Consultant 24th October, when I will tell him NO WAY!

    Has anyone else had this procedure?

  • After my panproctocolectomy I had ileus so had various tests including ct,x rays,ultrasound ,and a camera via the ileostomy.they gave me gas and air in case I needed it but it was no bother.In fact some student nurses asked if they could come and watch as they had never seen it done that way and wanted to tick the proceedure off


    Ps no bowel prep needed

  • Yes. No bowel prep required and it was more comfortable than upyerbum! I have a loop ileostomy and a colostomy as a consequence of a non-functional rectum.

  • Hi  

    I haven’t had to have a colonoscopy through my stoma (my rectum was removed but not because of bowel cancer) but what is making you concerned about having the procedure? There are no nerve endings there in the stoma, so is it just the thought of it?

    I’ve been considering trying irrigation with my colostomy, but I do find the thought of something going in there to be a bit off putting!

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to SarahH21

    Hi Sarah, let's just say that I have had enough!

  • Sorry to hear that   but understandable. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm