Are friends and family ever enough?

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  • 5 subscribers

Andrew, who began this thread, sadly died in September 2008, but his friends wished that his thread remain open in his memory, particularly to promote Andrew's idea of 'dancing away cancer' each Friday at 3pm. Please feel free to post your dance tunes every Friday in his memory.

Macmillan admin

Hello everyone,

this is my topic to start and its a question that has been burning around the back of my mind for the last few days.

I always thought that having a small group of very close friends was enough for anyone, ok you always have work colleagues and other acquaintances but the main group of my friends has remained within a steady little group of five people for nigh on the last twenty years. We have shared almost, if not all, of what life can show you over that period and nothing has every served to tear us very far apart for long.

There have always times when partners/other friends/own family have been more important to us and always been times when we are more important to each other and perhaps have taken some of this for granted and assumed that it will always be thus. I have reached the opinion that I have for certain.

Then you get cancer! Things change I suppose but I have cancer and all of a sudden things are important to me that weren't before and they have an impact on others which were not anticipated.

First I need to say that my friends have been great through this initial part of my illness and there is nothing to say that this position is going to change immediately - rather its me that seems to be changing and not them. I am having doubts about my ability to cope with what is happening to me and what may happen in the immediate future, I am doubting my friends willingness to hear what I have to say when they ask that questions each day "How are you?", I don't want to say "OK thanks" each time when I am not OK,

I want to say "it bloody hurts" and "I don't feel well at all" and "I think its really unfair that I have this disease and you don't" (that one really stings in your head and even if its not at all true, sometimes you can't help yourself thinking it even fleetingly).

Then after that I get guilty about having the disease and having those bad thoughts that seem to go along with it all. I keep thinking that I am asking too much of them now in terms of emotional and physical help and what if their well runs dry later when I need them even more than I do now and they have nothing left to give me. Then I think that that is a really selfish "me, me me" attitude to have and that gets me really down - can you be guilty about a guilty thought which in itself is only a selfish thought about feeling guilty - just how big a knot is that one to unravel.

Anyway before I drive all away completely with this "hymn to the depressed" that brings around the original thought I had;

- can you use up and wear out your friends and family with this thing before you need them most?

Thanks for reading (if you managed to get through the dirge without laughing too much) and any thoughts are appreciated.



  • FormerMember
    night night, christine, hope you get good nights sleep
    dianne xx
  • FormerMember
    Who has the copy of the times newspaper then?

    Goodnight both, I have had enough of today so am off to bed. The sudoku is complete and i can;t be bothered with the rest of the crossword now so will finish that tomorrow morning whilst awaiting the docs visit.

    Could be a bumby night what with the back ache, the infection and all the movicol I have drunk today, energetic at least - lol

    G'night and good luck,

  • FormerMember
    night night andrew,
    hope you get good nights sleep, and your grumbling tummy doesnt keep you awake.
    dianne xx
  • FormerMember
    Good night Dianne.
    Good night Andrew.
    I wish you a feather soft bed and a host of angles to rock you gently to sleep on a fluffy white cloud.
  • FormerMember
    Hiya Andrew,

    I agree with what so many have said before me. It's my dad who has cancer this time and it funny really, people who just used to let on to my dad in the street are now stopping me to ask me how he is. However, unlike your courteous approach I won't lie and say he's fine. If he's having a rough day (and recently that is true of every day) I will say - he's feeling rough. And I always follow it with 'but what do you expect?'. Some don't look at me now but I feel it's important to me and especially to my dad to get rid of the ungenuine people now. So what if there are only 5 genuine friends left - I know they will be their for my dad 24/7/365.

    On the plus side, I have always tried to do a lot of charity work, admittedly mostly for kids charities in the past, but now when I shove a sponsor form in front of someone they can't seem to refuse and I am so sly because I always spnsor myself first with a £10.00 at the top so they feel obliged to give at least a fiver. My dad finds it highly amusing and hopes to god I never get a job in policitics ! hee hee

    I guess my point is, it doesn't matter how many friends you are left with, be honest with them and tell them if you're having a bad day. The ones who stick around are your real friends - the ones who'll bunk off work so you can sit up and play cards at 4am because then you an sleep a little through the day and not be subjected to 'Jeremy kyle' !! aaaaagh.

    There's some pretty nice, genuine people on here too.

    Keep believing in yourself hunny and don't be afraid to ask.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Baby

    sounds to me like you've got it just right in your approach, I try to gee up my honest side and am getting better I think.

    BTW - I accidently watched Jeremy Kyle the other day and from now on his name is banned fro this thread - lol - awful programme (where do they come from?)

    I always start any charity thing like that to try and encorage people below to strecth a little further, makes me laugh when you see an adult sponsoring someone for £1 or something for a marathon.

    The old sayings do seem to have root in reality don't they "a friend in need.......!" etc but I have found some on here that are new to me and I know that they will stay too so this old dog has learned a new trick as well.

    Keep it going and does your father come online here as well?


  • Morning, Andrew, hope the thought of riding around a Landy track rocked you to sleep and you had a better night....and that your insides are now behaving.....shall say no more, lol


  • FormerMember

    yes a relatively good night for me, back playing up a bit this am but Doc will be here in an hour and have taken all meds so far so will settle down with a coffee and await salvation in the form of an NHS GP.

    Have a good day yourself, any plans for the day?

  • Hi again, Andrew, must've been those Landy dreams rocking you to sleep, haha! I'm just sitting here having finished the wake-up coffee and planning the week's food shop....boring enough to put me back to bed, lol!

    We don't hear from our Caz till much later in the day, as a musician, she doesn't get up early.....if I get a text from her this early I know something's up, or she has flown off somewhere.....having Apple Mac computers, we keep a diary on line so we know what each is up to, very useful when planning to do more work on her house, we know whether to take stuff just for us to do, or whether it will be to teach her something to carry on while we aren't hubby is a brilliant DIY-er and has helped so much after her builders went, it's a very old house but needed lots doing, we spend quite a bit of time up there and the Landy work- horse is good at carrying all the tools he needs!


  • FormerMember


    done the shopping list and having coffee myself right now!

    Its good to keep in touch via the diary system I would havew never thought of that, makes life easier which is alway good.

    A couple of my friends rang last night and they are looking to move house from where they are near York to closer to here. They are looking for completed things as they have just spent 2 years doing up the place they have now but have reached a kind of price ceiling in the are they live. They are looking at bigger houses in cheaper areas so the mortgage doen't have to increase too much. So they have booked a couple of viewings for saturday, I have looked at the properties online and they seem great houses. No neighbours for miles and paddocks ect for their new daughter to romp around in later on.

    The plan is we will go over and collect Richard and he will take us house shopping in the landy so hopoefully my back will be up for it as I like the sound of this trip - someone else pays £750k and I get to look and criticise - brilliant. Also a trip for me out of these four walls.

    What does Caz play?
