Someone to talk to

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I’ve posted before about my mum. An update is she has metastatic breast cancer that has spread to bone liver and lung. She’s on hormone tablets and will be having bone injections to give her as much time as possible but they wouldn’t give us a time frame. With how quickly it has progressed I know it’s not years. I feel I’m coming to terms with it a little more, but I struggle to talk to family and friends about how I’m feeling. They are supportive and say all the right things but they just don’t understand the level of overwhelming pain? The different view on life, just everything about it I guess. 
I wanted to know if there were any WhatsApp groups out there of people going through similar situations? 

  • Hi Mum92

    I'm Steph from the Community team. I'm sorry to hear about your mum's diagnosis and that you're struggling. 

    It's understandable that you're finding things really difficult but it's positive that you have found the Community.

    Please do keep talking on here, you're certainly not alone in the way that you're feeling. I hope it helps to be able to connect with people who understand, because they have been there themselves. 

    In addition to this family and friends forum, you might also find it helpful to join and post in our carers only forum. You don't need to be a full time carer to be recognised as a carer. If you're looking after mum in any way, you are considered a carer and very welcome in the forum. 

    I'm afraid that no one will be able to give you their Whatsapp details in the forums, as it's against our Community guidelines to share personal contact details. We would encourage you to keep posting in the forums about how you feel and I hope that you will feel some warmth and understanding. 

    Members are welcome to become 'friends' on the Community and send each other private messages here on the Community. This tends to happen when members have been here for a while and have formed connections.

    I'd also encourage you to call our Support Line, you don't need to have a specific question, you can call and talk things through with someone who is there to listen. They may also be able to connect you with other services to support you at this time. Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    I hope this is helpful and that you will find the peer support that you're looking for right here.

    Please may I put a call out for any members here who feel comfortable sharing some support with Mum92 today?

    Online Community Officer
  • Hey, I’m going through a similar situation. My mum is really unwell. Her cancer has spread to her bones too and not much else can be done. 

    I find it hard to talk to my friends and partner about this. I don’t want to burden them so please feel free to direct message me if you ever want to talk.