Way down in the dumps

  • 25 replies
  • 20 subscribers

 I had the surgery supposed to have gotten it all and I'll need chemo and radiotherapy as tumor was so big. And I know I should be thankful but I cant find a reason. I'm so down it's not funny anymore and talking doesn't seem to be making it better. I'm scared is thai all that's left of my life if so why keep going? It's got me really down about things and I gotta figure out a way to make it better or I'm gonna end up giving up..

  • Thank you yes sometimes they just need to be said to be gone..

  • I was the same, but found solace in talking with a complete stranger (local vicar) who took the time to evaluate what I was saying and cared enough to give me sufficient cause to carry on - and she's still there, caring!

  • Hi.

    Know you posted 12 days ago, I don't normally look at forums but got a general email yesterday and have looked over lunch and read yours.

    Won't go into my history but did empathise instantly, as no doubt many others will, as felt same on more than one occasion.

    Some time ago I got up in middle of night and wrote a blog about how I felt and what's was happening there and then. Couple of people commented but the cathartic part was putting it out there, which you've done.

    "Making it better" to me is about understanding, accepting  adapting and then doing.

    Not letting it ruin your life. (There are enough politicians and bad drivers to do that).

  • Hi Frazzled, it might be worth googling Maggie's Centres near you hon. 

     They are a charity funded organisation where you can just drop in for a cuppa and a chat.  They appear to be very informal and will be a great listening ear which it definitely sounds like you need. 

    I have a 23 year old who is on the autistic spectrum and I'm struggling hugely with her behaviour,  I'm overloaded with emotions towards her.  I'm two years since diagnosis and although I'm having six monthly scans having hot spots flagged up as needing further investigations doesn't help. There are days when I'll be out of the house all day keeping busy just to avoid thinking about all that's going on, I also don't have many friends, lots of acquaintances so often feel so alone.  You are important here, our children are rubbish at being there for us to be honest so we have to reach out lovely.  One day at a time Frazzled.  

    Please keep talking to us hon xxx

  • Thank you. I like u just have lots of acquaintances so I understand feeling alone. Today I cant seem to get my eyes to open up good I must be still sleepy lol I hope u have a wonderful day