Way down in the dumps

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  • 20 subscribers

 I had the surgery supposed to have gotten it all and I'll need chemo and radiotherapy as tumor was so big. And I know I should be thankful but I cant find a reason. I'm so down it's not funny anymore and talking doesn't seem to be making it better. I'm scared is thai all that's left of my life if so why keep going? It's got me really down about things and I gotta figure out a way to make it better or I'm gonna end up giving up..

  • I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better today Frazzled.

    Community Champion Badge

  • Yes mentally better now bit panicky worrying about chest infection.

  • Hi Frazzzled I accept what you are saying but when someone says they dont want' to be here or are just feeling so down they see no way up, we as Champs and staff at Macmillan  need to act and respond which I see the team have done and they are great.

    Thats reassuring that you are feeing better to day  .


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  • I am feeling bit better .. now just nervous I've caught a chest infection off one of my adult kids.. waiting patiently for doc to.call but it makes me nervous cause this is all scary as it is.. I just want to feel like a normal person. Someone who can walk outside without worrying about getting sick.. just want to feel a bit normal for a minute 

  • It's hard every day not feeling down. I don't know how some people do it.  I've woke up so down again today. I dont understand.  It's so gloomy and cold out..  I just dont know how to shake it when it happens.. I feel.so down

  • Hi Frazzled

    Sorry to hear that you are feeling down again.  Did the doctor get back to you? The weather is probably not helping your mood as it can be hard when the weather is gloomy to feel good. 

    Community Champion Badge

  • The doctors got back to me on my possible chest infection but I can never pin them down on my depression and no the weather doesn't help. My 19 yr old doesn't help eaither with her everyone hates me no one cares about me.. honestly I just want to run as far away as I can go. Am so sick of it all. I struggle to find a reason with her and the weather..honestly one day im.up next I'm down..

  • Hello Frazzled, I really empathize with you.  I'm a year post treatment and I'm still having up and down days.

    I've had depression since 1999 on and off so am already on antidepressants.  

    You've had major surgery and have yet to go through treatments to ensure there are no little pesky bits floating around so you're not through the tunnel yet.  

    After a cancer diagnosis we are in shock or weepy or angry or sad and our mortality leaps up and bites us. 

    No matter the surgeons say they've got it all, that doesn't really factor into how we feel.  It sounds like you're still adjusting to the diagnosis in a way maybe.  It leaves you unsure of how to live each day, how to face each day plus living with a hormone-raging teenager adds to the mix.

    You are not alone. We are here.  Grab a best friend and take them into the doctors with you so they can speak and fight on your behalf for treatment and support. 

    Find one thing, just one, each day to enjoy. There's a paper written by a Dr called "when treatment ends-what happens next". Dr Peter Harvey I think. Have a read and see if any of it resonates with you hon. 

    Just hold on with both hands and get support from everywhere because as the advert says " you're worth it"  

    Sending you love and strength

    Lucy xxx

  • Thank you. I dont have a best friend or really any friends. Work friends which are amazing but havnt been to work sense june when they told me I had lung cancer.  I sont know how I feel to be honest as I was already depressed as it was. The weather here is so depressing sometimes especially in the winter. Which it is now so I went from my winter depression to find out in june on my bday that I had cancer to surgery which took up summer with recovery to winter again and waiting on chemo and radiotherapy so cant risk going out and getting sick. Me and the daughter who lives at home dont get along so that's like a chore every day. I just cant seem to get out of this frumpy mood. When I just want to be ok and go see my mom.  Need help getting out of bad mood.. it's so depressing 


  • Hi Frazzled, 

    I don't really have any words of wisdom if I'm honest, I just wanted to let you know that I totally hear you and, it could be totally different for you, but I sometimes end up feeling like I have to edit what I say to appear that things are not so bad or stop talking totally as people start to panic and signpost to helplines etc. Sometimes things just need to be said. 

    I hope you have a restful night x