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  • 42 subscribers

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this but I have to say it somewhere. My husband was diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma in his foot last December, when we also found out that it has spread to his lungs and any treatment isn’t curative. They told us then that he has probably 12-18 months. I spend every waking moment with a pit of dread in my stomach, then I feel guilty because it must be so much worse for him, then I think of our boys, and then I feel dread again. He has had radiotherapy to try and make his foot more comfortable as he is in constant pain, and it has shrunk a lot, but now we’re waiting for the results of another PET scan to see how much the tumours in his lungs have grown, and if there are any anywhere else before he starts chemo. I was focusing on the chemo before his scan, but now I can’t think of anything except what happens if it’s spread further. I am struggling and I don’t know where to turn. I’m not ready to lose him. 

  • He  

    You are in a really good place in terms of understanding, my wife has Leiomyosarcoma hers started in the womb and spread to her lungs but for her the only treatment option was chemotherapy.

    She never wanted a prognosis but with sarcoma being rare the statistics on survival are not very reliable. For Janice she has had two types of chemotherapy and the second rendered her cancer stable - it has remained that way for over 10 years now.

    I ended up doing with a living with less stress course and one element that really helped me was the element of not living my life in the future - especially one where I had already lost her as it stopped me appreciating what we have.

    How old are your boys, we have some really good information on talking to children and there are some really good books out there including "The Secret C".

    Do post whenever, you might also like to look in our group Soft tissue sarcomas forum 



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  • Nella I do understand your every feeling as I am exactly the same. My husband was diagnosed at Christmas with a tumour in his stomach. We were told a month ago that it was a sarcoma in his stomach and had spread to his onentum, only treatment is palliative chemotherapy which hasn't started yet. I wake up in tears every morning not knowing what the future holds. I feel selfish as life changed overnight and all we seem to do is visit the hospital. My husband has no enthusiasm to do anything and he's stopped eating. I can't imagine what he must be feeling it must be terryfying. I just try to take every day David comes. I am hoping the chemo will make him feel a little better. Just hang on in there and know you are not alone in this.

  • Thank you for your reply. It sounds as if we are at very similar stages. I’m a teacher and sometimes I can’t get through the register without crying. We should find out on Friday when he can have chemo, and which kind, and whether the tumours have grown or spread. Once I know that I can start to deal with it all over again. Take care. 

  • Good luck for Friday. We are at the hospital on Monday when we get to find out if chemo can go ahead. They have already given the info on what chemo drugs will be used like you just waiting for a start date. Once we get that it wil! Be the start of a new chapter. Take care and keep in touch we can compare and have a cry together whether good or bad news.

  • I hope the news on Monday was good and chemo can go ahead. We didn’t have very good news last Friday and it has now spread to his spine, his brain and his lymph nodes. They’ve done an MRI to confirm the brain and we’re waiting for a lung biopsy for a full genome sequence to see if they can pinpoint the type of cancer it actually is, as at the moment they’re saying sarcoma as it isn’t anything else. Chemo should be able to start after they’ve done that, while we are waiting for the results. 
    Let me know how you’re doing. 

  • So sorry it's horrendous isn't it. The consultant said chemo could go ahead and booked in for 2 weeks time but since then my hubby has given in he's not moved out of the chair spends most of his time in bed and has stopped eating only having 1 meal replacement a day. Nurse have him morphine for pain but won't take it as makes him sick. Just wake up crying and go to bed crying as he's just given in and I'm watching and there is nothing I can do. Hope you get the results soon and the chemo can start

  • I’m so sorry to hear that. My husband is on slow release morphine tablets that should last 12 hours, so he takes one at 8am and one at 8pm. He has liquid morphine to too during the day but won’t take it as that makes him feel really sick. He seems to be able to tolerate the tablet though. I hope he gets his biopsy soon so his chemo can start. I can’t imagine how it must feel to see your husband give up. I do hope he manages to start the chemo and it gives you both some hope. 

  • Took my hubby into hospital today as he was very dehydrated so they are going to get him up and fit enough for his chemo next week. He wasn't happy but best place for him and at least gives a fighting chance. Hope your hobbies results come back soon and he can get his chemo.