Feeling so tired...

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Can anyone tell me if its normal to feel so tired when you are caring for your partner who has cancer? Its been four months of constant stress and worry, watching him in pain rtc...and taking on extra responsibilities.  Jumping every time he sounds in pain.  Disturbed sleep at times;  cant stop thinking in the middle of the night.  Trying to be the cheerful, optimistic one. Most days Im so tired now and wonder if its the constant worrying and stress.  Treatment is just about to start and I feel at the end of my tether already, and wonder how I will cope with all his health issues during treatment, and even more worry and work falling on me.  it sounds awful to say it but I just feel like running away and never having to worry about another person again...totally unrealistic I know (Not that I would!)
Are these feeling normal? And more to the point, what can I do to feel better? I do have coffee times with friends, to get out now and then, but it still doesn't help this tiredness and stressy feeling.

i welcome any advice from others who have been through it and come out the other side! Many thanks x

  • I am so sorry, I know how tough it is. How do we carry on? We just do. We keep putting one foot in front of the other. Its hard not to look to far ahead, I am guilty of that but it really does help to focus on one day at a time. This is something I have to keep telling myself every day or I start to imagine the years ahead without my partner and I fall apart. It must be especially hard for you with young children, you are trying to be strong and calm for them when you want to scream and shout about the unfairness of it all. We have no children so I can only imagine how hard that is for you, but you will carry on for them. Just keep reminding yourself to focus on "Just for today" so you dont get that overwhelming feeling of the hugeness of it all. You will be surprised at how strong you actually are xxx

  • Hi I’m so sorry to hear you and your partner are going through this nightmare too how can life be so cruel. When was your partner diagnosed and is it a brain tumour too if you don’t mind me asking? Xx

  • My partner was diagnosed in February and sadly died last week. It was gall bladder cancer and by the time it was discovered it had spread and was untreatable. I don't mind you asking at all, or if there is anything else you want to ask. xx

  • Oh no I’m so so sorry please take care of yourself xx

  • I think you are probably still in shock my love. I often think of people who go through tougher situations than me and I think “if they can cope, so can I” and I find this really helps me as I know the human spirit is very strong, and that I am not alone in my suffering. I think you will carry on for your children and they will give you strength along the way. You will give each other strength I’m sure. 
    Do you have good friends and family to help you? My advice would be to accept their help and let them support you. 
    I cannot imagine the fear and sense of loss you must be feeling, and I am so sorry because I know that no words can stop your heart from breaking. One step at a time my love, and then one day at a time. There’s a great community here for you too. God bless. 

  • Hi love and yeah we are still in shock. What’s more is that my husband doesn’t want to know anything he keeps saying it will all be sorted with the surgery. I feel so helpless and sorry for him too. I don’t think I have the strength in me to see my children lose their daddy. I lost my dad to cancer when I was 13 and I never truly have gotten over it. My heart is broken and my world is shattered. Thankyou for replying to me xx

  • Your husbands probably in denial, I guess it will take time for him to adjust to this enormous news. He may be trying to stop you worrying also? Just remember, that through your own loss when you were young, that will make you the best possible person to help your children through it as you know what helped you and what didnt.  
    Sending hugs xxx

  • I'm sorry it's horrible news, but please remember everyone is different and attitude helps. As to how you stay strong I don't know, any ideas welcome, at the moment I am taking it hour by hour and probably not coping too well. Life's a b***h. 

  • I’m sorry love we shouldn’t be going through this life is so very unfair.

    sending you hugs xx

  • Hugs back, it's been a tough week, My mum has taken a turn for the worse, getting her to eat and drink is hard everything hurts and she hates me for what she calls nagging. When she sleeps I find myself checking her all the time as it's too quiet.