Feeling so tired...

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Can anyone tell me if its normal to feel so tired when you are caring for your partner who has cancer? Its been four months of constant stress and worry, watching him in pain rtc...and taking on extra responsibilities.  Jumping every time he sounds in pain.  Disturbed sleep at times;  cant stop thinking in the middle of the night.  Trying to be the cheerful, optimistic one. Most days Im so tired now and wonder if its the constant worrying and stress.  Treatment is just about to start and I feel at the end of my tether already, and wonder how I will cope with all his health issues during treatment, and even more worry and work falling on me.  it sounds awful to say it but I just feel like running away and never having to worry about another person again...totally unrealistic I know (Not that I would!)
Are these feeling normal? And more to the point, what can I do to feel better? I do have coffee times with friends, to get out now and then, but it still doesn't help this tiredness and stressy feeling.

i welcome any advice from others who have been through it and come out the other side! Many thanks x

  • Hi.  I know exactly how you feel.  My other half is starting radiotherapy next week but we are still awaiting a biopsy and confirmation of exact diagnosis as he has cancer in his spine and lung. They don’t know whether it is primary lung cancer or whether both areas are from his throat cancer in 2020 which has come back.  Currently I am in a constant state of agonizing anxiety with awful depression.  It is causing severe constant headaches and I have been going to bed at every opportunity I get.  It is just to get away from these horrible feeling and it is exhausting.  I have to get my shit together as once his treatment starts I will be taking him every day for a 4 hour round trip.  On the upside I can tell you, you will step up and get on with it when you need to don’t worry, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Sending love and hugs. Alli

  • Thinking of you and hope the radiotherapy goes well, I remember how tiring it made my mum, you both will need to rest, when you can. The nights are the worst at the moment I'm so tired but I'm frightened to sleep in case I don't hear and when it's to quiet well my mind goes to the worst.

  • Hi I’m just looking for anyone to chat with as I’m going out of my mind. My husband has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and goes for an mri in the morning to see if anything else shows up It feels like I’m been tortured he was diagnosed on the 28th April and it’s driving me crazy 

    I can’t sleep or rest since thst horrific day 

    just wanted to know there’s people like me out there to chat to x 

  • Sorry to hear that I hope you have as good of news as possible. I can't sleep either my mum has taken a turn for the worst, very confused already called me twice thinking she needs the loo and doesn't. I don't mind just hard to sleep, worry I won't hear her or what I will wake up to.

  • I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this. Why is life so cruel and unfair. 

    sending you hugs x

  • Thanks Alli, I wish you well in your journey too xx

  • I am more than happy to chat at any time, it really is an unbearable situation  to be in. How did the mri scan go? I think the waiting for results can be the worst part. Dealing with the unknown is scary so you may find you can cope a little better once you have a clear prognosis, at least then you know what you are up against. Sending hugs xxx

  • Hi he’s got his pre-op tomorow then booked in for surgery on the 26th May then theyll do the biopsy. The oncologist nurse told he today that 3 surgeons have looked at the ct scan and it appears to be high grade. I’m in even more of a state now cos I asked her the prognosis and Dre said 12 months. I can’t bear this. How do we cope and continue to be strong x 

  • I am so sorry to hear this. I don’t know how you live with this kind of prognosis. The only thing I can think is to make each day count in some way and just take one step, and one day at a time. That’s what my sister told me she did when her hubby was terminal. 
    sending you thoughts, love and hugs x

  • That’s the thing I don’t think I can carry on. I keep looking at our children ages 13 and 11 and it just breaks my heart