Coming home to die and wanting to do it right

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  • 49 subscribers

My lovely wife Caro is coming home to die, and we both want this to be as good as it can be, for her, for me, for the rest of the (large) family and for all our friends.

The wonderful oncologist and Macmillan nurses at the hospital came to her bedside on Friday to tell us there was no more they could offer but the end-of-life care at home (where we both want it to be). I love the fact that they have been so straight and clear through all of this. At our very first meeting in September Dr Chan said clearly "you need to put your affairs in order" and we did.

We have taken all the practical steps and are finding out how best we can set up our home. We should have had 20 or 30 more years but the last 23 have been wonderful (and in a way, still are). It would be disrespectful to all this joy to die with rancour.

I also cannot say enough to praise all the family and friends who have offered help in whatever way they can. She is having visits from as many as she has energy for, and loads of them are making sure I look after myself. 

We have been through all the 'it's not fair' bit but there is no motive or mind in cancer and it has no idea it's being unfair. We just want to have a good last time for all of us. It may be a few weeks and is unlikely to be through all the Spring, given the speed of spread we have seen, but we will live this and die this with hands held and strong love. To all of you on the same part of the journey as us, I wish you patience, strength and peace.

  • Thinking of you all and sending hugs your way.  


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  • Thinking of you all and sending you love and hugs.


  • Sending love and strength to you all x


  • My husband came home to die. I looked after him myself for that last 5 weeks, with the help of my best friend too. 
    we were given a hospital bed, commode, and I requested glide sheets but didn’t need them. 
    it was hard, emotionally but I wanted to do it myself. I didn’t want strangers doing what I was capable of doing.

    It will be nice to have quiet moments together away from the noise of the hospital.

    Enjoy whatever moments you have together, don’t let cancer rob you of those too.

    We were together 23 years too. He died last week, bless him.

  • I’m so sorry for your loss of your husband.

    sending love and strength to you x


  • Sorry for your loss and glad that you had that quiet time together. Caro has always said she wanted to die at home and we are managing ok so far, with family and friends all able to come in and exchange thanks and love and goodbyes. 

  • Thank you. I will always have that peace of mind that I was there for him. He was a lovely man.

  • I hope it goes ok for you. Please make sure that you have all the anticipatory meds and that the chart is written up for a syringe driver when and if needed. The first doctor I asked to write up for the syringe driver declined but the second was far more humane. Bless him, he only had it for less than 10 hours in the end but he really did need it as the Oramorph didn’t help him. The district nursing team were lovely.

    Wishing you all the best. Don’t feel bad if you get short with her sometimes. We’re human too, and we’re going through this too.

  • She has had the syringe driver for nearly two weeks now, plus they have additional painkilling ready for the district nurse so we feel fairly good on that part. I'm more concerned that she gets a good balance and can still talk to friends as much as she wants to 

  • We have had plenty of visitors over the last few days. Trying to keep the balance between Caro being able to say happy goodbyes and dropping to sleep mid-conversation. Also, we have something coming up which is quite emotional for me, even though Caro may not have realised it yet. We are still sleeping in our own old bed, but on Wednesday a hospital bed is coming to help with comfort and care. So tomorrow will probably be the last night we spend lying warm together as we fall asleep. I will get a zed-bed or something in our room once the hosptial bed is there but if feels a little bit like stepping through security at the airport now. She hasn't gone yet, but will have taken another step there.