Coming home to die and wanting to do it right

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My lovely wife Caro is coming home to die, and we both want this to be as good as it can be, for her, for me, for the rest of the (large) family and for all our friends.

The wonderful oncologist and Macmillan nurses at the hospital came to her bedside on Friday to tell us there was no more they could offer but the end-of-life care at home (where we both want it to be). I love the fact that they have been so straight and clear through all of this. At our very first meeting in September Dr Chan said clearly "you need to put your affairs in order" and we did.

We have taken all the practical steps and are finding out how best we can set up our home. We should have had 20 or 30 more years but the last 23 have been wonderful (and in a way, still are). It would be disrespectful to all this joy to die with rancour.

I also cannot say enough to praise all the family and friends who have offered help in whatever way they can. She is having visits from as many as she has energy for, and loads of them are making sure I look after myself. 

We have been through all the 'it's not fair' bit but there is no motive or mind in cancer and it has no idea it's being unfair. We just want to have a good last time for all of us. It may be a few weeks and is unlikely to be through all the Spring, given the speed of spread we have seen, but we will live this and die this with hands held and strong love. To all of you on the same part of the journey as us, I wish you patience, strength and peace.

  • Hugs and warm thoughts for you x

  • Sending you love and strength ,can only imagine how you are feeling, I no I will have to face this myself one day .

    Glad you are surrounded with love from family and friends x


  • Well there has been precious little good news so far, but amazingly we now have some. The immunotherapy which had not worked over the first three weeks began to kick in after Caro came home to die. Two lumps on her neck have almost disappeared. The oncologist who sent us home is extremely pleased. We live in hope (and realism)

  • I’m really pleased for you both!!

    it’s been 4 weeks tomorrow since I lost my sweet man. I don’t wish that on anyone.

    Keep fighting Caro.

    sending love your way

  • The 'stolen season' of extra time together is now coming to an end but thanks and respect to the NHS (and the inventors of immunotherapy) for that bit of extra time together. It looks like now she is home to die but Caro and I have travelled to see people and even went to Paris last month. But now friends and family know that we are probably home for the last time. But summer is nearly here and the cuckoos are here and she'll live to see the swallows. And she will die surrounded by love.

  • My you have an amazing wife,she has been so strong , I’m so sorry she is on this journey, but she is surrounded with so much love , you and her beautiful family friends by her side .

    sending you love and strength ,please keep us updated xx


  • Last night Caro died surrounded by her loving family, us holding her hands and telling her how much we loved her. We did not manage to finally have her at home, but instead we made sure all the best of her home (ie the love and the people) came to her in the lovely room which our local cancer ward gave her. The staff were wonderful and all friends and family knew what she needed, which was simply them, their thanks for sharing lives with Caro, and their love.

    So she eventually had eleven months from first diagnosis, but the 'stolen season' we gained by the immunotherapy was wonderful. We just made sure we saw as many friends and family as she could, with a big tray of food on her bed, and flowers all around the room. 

    Thank you to all those who have given me help on here, especially Mamma and MRH. I know that the next hard part starts now, living without the person you love, but I would have to say that if you can 'die a good death' Caro certainly did that. 

    Strength to you all on here, especially if you are coping with less support than we had ourselves. If my words will help you in any way, that makes me happy and would make Caro happy too.

    Thanks and love, dearest Caro
