Can't cope

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My mum was diagnosed literally 4 weeks ago with kidney cancer that has spread to the pancreas and lungs and there is nothing they can do. She's doing amazing she's so brave but I'm falling apart I can't cope I just I can't do this I can't watch her die she has lost so much weight she's so frail and weak every second of every day is hard.i don't feel like anyone gets it at all nobody can get what I'm going through because they haven't been through it. I had to watch my dad die of cancer when I was a child and now I'm in the exact same position watching my mum die now and I'm only 34 years old. I can't lose my mum but I got no choice I just feel like il never be able to carry on with out her but watching her die knowing there is nothing I can do I dread every day and every night I'm not sleeping it's just a constant pain in my chest like I can't breath.

  • Hey, well my counselling was blinking canceled the lady was very apologetic but it's rescheduled for next Friday now I am kind of glad because on that day I felt ok so I didn't want to speak I wanted to go with the day. But then as I was saying to Rebecca u can see it just went down hill and has been awful feeling helpless is the worst. How are you both doing today x

  • Hey Reeb

    Good to hear from you I was wondering how you were getting  on.   Thats not great your mum has ended up in hospital.    Is your mum ok and back home yet?     Yip the appt is arranged for Tuesday afternoon feeling physically sick at the thought of it.   I can’t cope with my mum asking that question I am going speak to her first about it.     That’s good your mum is living with you at least you can keep an eye on her.   I had heard about  the immunotherapy.   I don’t know what they are going say my mind is running away with all thoughts.       Yes try magpies and see if you can get additional support because your family live further away it’s worth a shot. xx

  • Oh no was it!!   Ah right so it worked out ok you might be more ready to speak to her next week.   Oh Jees that’s not great to hear at all!    It’s just awful!   I hope your mum is now comfortable since the doctor has been in. Are the McMillan nurses going come now to give you some help?  

  • Hi thank you it's not very good at all. Well iv.tried all weekend to get hold of palliative care do u think I can nope not at all they should be coming out so Monday if they finally get it touch I will be telling them. the Maggie's got back to me as well on email and said to just pop in any time next week between 9-5 so that's good. have u heard anything from the hospital or any one your self. Because I know the waiting is so hard 

  • That’s really bad I thought the nurses were available 24/7 yes absolutely phone them first thing Monday morning you are needing more support at home.   Yip after speaking on Thursday night they called Friday morning so appt is Tuesday afternoon. I noticed after the call my mums mood changed drastically she will be terrified.  Feel like running away!  However that ain’t an option so we will be there with our big girls pants on and face what we need to however hard it is. 

  • I'm glad you got an appointment hopefully get some answers even if those aren't answers aren't what you day at a time be strong now cry later is how I do it. Good luck with the appointment let us know how it went. Send u and mum lots of hugs and love x

  • Morning how is your mum today? 

  • Hi, still not good she isn't weeing at all now pain is ok but not completely gone she's in bed just wants to cuddle up now I think we are nearing the end from reading the signs that is. It's extremely hard but staying strong for her there will be a time to break down but it's not yet. How are you today and your mum 

  • That’s not good.  It’s hard when they don’t want to drink much but even little sips.   Good that pain under control.   I hope you manage to get through to the nurses and get support from them tomorrow.     Your mum knows you are right beside her that’s the main thing.   I can’t emphasise enough how I am so angry we are in this terrible situation.      I’m ok.     Mum is very quiet she is scared and I hate anyone feeling like that.   I am here for you if you need to come on later.     Im thinking about you.  Xx

  • Hello, she's still in the hospital at the moment with no idea when she will be coming home.

    I may have already mentioned but she has bone mets and one of the areas affected is the right femur which has caused a significant weakness and a lot of pain. They have been planning to operate but things keep coming up. Anyway, past few days she's been in a lot more pain, her meds are barely taking the edge off and she's got a chest infection as well as a UTI so the best thing was to take her to the hospital and she's being kept on an ortho ward.

    It's not nice them being in there but I know it's for the best, there is only so much we can do for our mum's.

    Aw bless her, that sounds absolutely awful. Is there anything they can give her for the bowels? 

    Sorry if you have already said but does your mum have a Macmillan nurse? 

    Both of you are in my thoughts, well the four of you really including your mum's. I hope your mum starts to feel better soon and that you're coping okay.
