Feel so lonely

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My wonderful husband of 28 years has small cell lung cancer and today I have felt so lonely.

He had been having spells of being tired and chest infections in July. Well at the start of August he had another chest infection which didn't clear despite two courses of antibiotics and steroids. He went to A&E on 5th September as his breathing was getting worse, along with chest pain and losing his voice.

After blood tests and x-ray they said he had a blood clot in his lung so gave him a clot busting injection and tablets. He then had a CT scan the next day and the clot had gone, but unfortunately it showed a tumour in the middle of his chest and a smaller one in his left lung. It is this mass which is pressing on a nerve in his chest which has caused his voice to go and which explains the cough and breathing problems.

After two weeks of back and forth for tests he was diagnosed with advanced stage small cell lung cancer. We got the diagnosis on the 15th September - as you can imagine our world has been turned upside down.

He progressed so quickly to needing a wheelchair, and in the past couple of days no longer wants to go out, he has no appetite, doesn't want to drink and has slept for most of yesterday and today.

I am sat next to him but feel so lonely.  I am so used to us chatting away and sharing things, today I feel broken.