Feel so lonely

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  • 49 subscribers

My wonderful husband of 28 years has small cell lung cancer and today I have felt so lonely.

He had been having spells of being tired and chest infections in July. Well at the start of August he had another chest infection which didn't clear despite two courses of antibiotics and steroids. He went to A&E on 5th September as his breathing was getting worse, along with chest pain and losing his voice.

After blood tests and x-ray they said he had a blood clot in his lung so gave him a clot busting injection and tablets. He then had a CT scan the next day and the clot had gone, but unfortunately it showed a tumour in the middle of his chest and a smaller one in his left lung. It is this mass which is pressing on a nerve in his chest which has caused his voice to go and which explains the cough and breathing problems.

After two weeks of back and forth for tests he was diagnosed with advanced stage small cell lung cancer. We got the diagnosis on the 15th September - as you can imagine our world has been turned upside down.

He progressed so quickly to needing a wheelchair, and in the past couple of days no longer wants to go out, he has no appetite, doesn't want to drink and has slept for most of yesterday and today.

I am sat next to him but feel so lonely.  I am so used to us chatting away and sharing things, today I feel broken.

  • Hello lonely panda I have just read your post and I know how your feeling my partner of 30 yrs got diagnosed with 2 tyoes of lung cancer in March had treatment that finished 8 weeks ago . Started complaining of pain in the back of his neck a couple of weeks ago and yesterday got told that the cancer has spread to the bone in his neck had biopsy today now just waiting for treatment to start again. I feel like I want to lock myself in a room and scream and shout and just let out some anger cos I feel so angry and lonely its awful. Sending hugs.

  • Thank you for your message of support Daisydee.

    This has happened so quickly I don't feel like I've had time to breathe. I have great support from friends but it doesn't take away the feeling of sadness of seeing my husband deteriorate so quickly. 

    Unfortunately treatment is not an option as it's too advanced so we have been given a team of District and Macmillan nurses who are fantastic, but I am still my husband's main carer - the one awake in the wee small hours feeling lonely.  I just want our lives back how they were before.

  • Hi daisydee.  My husband’s experience is very much like yours.    We have just found out that it had spread to his bones.    I just don’t know where to turn.   I feel it’s so unfair.  He is really suffering and I would do anything to eleviate his pain and frustration 

  • Lonely panda.  I really feel for you.   Just try to stay strong but vent on here anytime you need to

  • Hi loz66 I feel the same don't know where to turn or who to talk too that's why I have joined this group. My partner has not told any of his family that he has cancer nobody knows only our daughter and her partner know. I am also going down the dementia journey with my mum so I feel really empty inside. Sending hugs.

  • Hi Loz66. Thank you for your message.

    We had a good chat with our Macmillan nurse yesterday and that helped me a great deal.  My husband has been given medication to help with the panic attacks, plus something to help him sleep through at night so last night was able to sleep in our bed, rather than on the sofa - I'll take the small wins anywhere I can. 

    We also went out for ice cream and it was lovely just to sit in peace with the fresh air on our faces.

  • We are hoping to hear from oncologist next week to see when treatment starts again they told us it will be next week. My partner has also been given some pain killers to help with the pain in his neck. Oh ice cream sounds lovely and just sitting watching the world go by enjoying the fresh air. Memories to treasure. 

  • I am in the same boat...my husband has melanoma caused by a small lesion on the heel of his foot and if you can believe, we are now tackling cancer of the lungs, chest cavity lymph nodes,  liver ,spleen and it has just started in his bones. Its been the worse week of my life. He turned 49 the other day. We had 20 healthy years together, and he apologised for not being able to give me another 20! I'm yet to find out about treatment, prognosis etc and a lot of people have offered their support. But this is me that's going to lose my soul mate, and its the loneliest journey anyone can ever take. I just want more time Disappointed

  • Hi Groovychick.  It's surreal how quickly it can go from living your life together, enjoying each day and then your world gets turned upside down. 

    I know I'm going to lose the love of my life, my favourite person in the world and its so hard isn't it?

    I'm here if you need to vent.

  • Thank-you so much. Wish I'd joined this group sooner to be fair but I think I was in denial "it's only a blister" and "they've taken it away, it'll be fine" and "cancer doesn't happen to us, we're not even 50 yet!" Now I've joined and seen how many people are affected...well its mind blowing. I'm literally sat next to his hospital bed now. He's had loads of painkillers as he's got lymphoedema in his leg and pain in his back. Never knew the pain was a sign of cancer. Can't get my head around it all