What if I cant cope?

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  • 45 subscribers

Having posted 3 months ago here: community.macmillan.org.uk/.../coping-with-diagnosis-and-symptoms just after my diagnosis of terminal cancer, I've/ we've had ups and down, including a stint of COVID Phnewmonia! We're over 3 months of the "6 months" and I'm struggling some days. 

Today has been the worst, since last night he has been really sleepy, weak, confused and some conversations make no sense at all. With that he's certain I have or haven't said or done things, his memory doesn't seem right. I have nonidea whether its an off day, or its progressing and cannot do right for doing wrong. 

We've always said that he would stay at home, and I dont want to ship him off, but today I've been a right mess, and I don't know if I'll be able to cope as this horrid disease progresses. I know its going to be hard, but I'm already struggling! 

Thanks for reading, 


  • Hi Laura

    This is a very important message for you.

    Being a carer, it is very difficult and even harder when it is someone you love. My Wife suzi finds it very stressful and draining.

    But if you do not look after yourself or needs you will make yourself ill and then be unable to help your husband.

    I feel fortunate that my cancer is not terminal but i have to have chemo once a month for at least the next 2 years. I am not physically disabled but find it a bit frustrating in that with my cancer i will never be able to talk again. will have a cannular for life and never be able to eat properly again.

    But Morale and a positive attitude is the one thing you can do to give cancer a tough time.

    I feel very fortunate that i have reached the age of 71 as i have had a fantastic life and brought up 3 amazing children.

    My Father taught me from a very early age to have no fear of dying as it is inevitable and will happen one day. My only slight concern is how i die.

    I Preach that you make the most of every day of what is left of your life and do not waste them. And if you have a partner never forget to tell them how much you love them.

    Sorry to ramble on a bit

    If you want to know more about my cancer look at my site

    If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me

    Hope this helps you


  • My mother in law got quite ill at the end. We found her the most amazing hospice. It was all. so positive and bright inside. I know it's not what you both don't want but there are some amazing ones. Your dad needs and deserves the best of care and these places can provide that. Your not a trained nurse/counselor/ etc they offer all this support.