Carer down - literally

  • 2 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi there fellow carers. You  know how carers keep going no matter what, how we question ourselves all the time and how we pray we’re doing our best? Today I’ve had a really bad fall leaving me  with a broken ankle, a smashed face and various other cuts and bruises. How the heck am I going to manage now? I’m feeling very vulnerable this evening.

  • Hi , Oh my, you must be in agony, and there you are worrying about your other half, bless you. I'm not surprised you're feeling vulnerable. Social services might be able to help. I know they have, in the past, provided home help support on such occasions. You could try putting your post code in this page to see what is available in your area. Do you have any sympathetic neighbours? It's worth calling the helpline, on 0808 808 0000 to see if they can suggest anything else. My heart goes out to you in such a painful and worrying time.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • Hi Louby Lou and thanks for your reply. We are doing ok but I am feeling a bit sorry for myself. Hubby is taking good care of me and our neighbours have all offered help. One brought us a delicious casserole for tea last night. My cleaner is here now and has said she’ll call every day to tidy if I need her and hubby has even managed to walk our very old dog to the park so that’s brilliant for them both. Our local health authority have stared a virtual orthopaedic clinic and physio clinic so they have both been in touch to help - I have my first physio session on Friday. Hopefully we will do ok. Thank you so much for your idease. Take care and keep safe.
