Help I can't cope

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  • 41 subscribers

My partner aged 49 was diagnosed with Terminal Lung Cancer stage 4 in January 2020.  First we knew he couldn't walk at Christmas took 3 times to A&E to be taken serious.  Next day in surgery to have a tumour removed from his spine .... was told he had a blood clot and a fracture.  Only overheard nurses talking saying tumour a few days later.  Ten days after surgery told the devastating news and was told about 10mths to live.  Whole house rearranged to have bed in lounge, reduced hours at work and got carers in.

My partners only wish was to get married so date was set for Easter Saturday bought dress and 120 wedding reception booked.  One and a half months later Covid hit, cancelled carers so I could care for him.  Wedding cancelled so we decided to get married with us and two witnesses at end of March.

After 6 mths at home I lost my job due to Covid, now we are struggling, not just money but I just cry most days upstairs.  His family are not helpful and I got no family.

I feel so lonely, some days I dont know how I get through them.  He is just getting worse each day and about four weeks ago he had a lung drain put in.

My neighbour had been helpful but she upset him and I told her not to discuss death with him as this was upsetting, and then she sent a text saying we are finished.

Now were back in another lockdown and cant see my best friend, she was the only one keeping me sane.

I am not a wife, I am a carer.  It's hard.

  • That’s a whole lot of hard, Love, no wonder you’re at the end of

    Chrissie Hardman

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chrissiew

    First time I ever posted on here, feels better to share.

  • That’s a whole lot of hard, Love, no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed. I’m so sorry your neighbor fell out with you for what I think was a very reasonable request. If anyone should share that talk with him it’s you, not her, the stickybeak. The last thing you need is a nosy neighbor, be glad she’s not coming back, if everything is about her. Sorry about the half message below, I had to change my password. 

    I’m sure that you’re devastated, you obviously love him very much. Could you FaceTime your Bestie, maybe? I’m not sure how to do it, but any child over 8 probably could tell you how.  

    Please don’t forget that your health matters too, even if you have to force yourself, you must eat & drink.   I’m not sure where you are, but do you have a family doctor? They’re usually happy to put you in touch with people who can help, even if we’re on lockdown, I’m sure you could talk on the phone with someone who will be ready to listen, won’t mind if you cry, maybe offer you some coping strategies. 

    I’m the one with terminal cancer, I spend hours comforting my friends & family. I’m the positive one. I refuse to sit in a corner & cry, I’d’ve had a blessed life. Try & get your partner to talk to you, share your good memories together, be as close as you can, it will bring you comfort down the road. We nursed my Nanna at home for 6 months before she died, and it was such a blessing, nothing was left unsaid, no regrets, wishing we’d said this or done that. Think of this as a time to say what’s in your heart, it doesn’t matter if you get upset, but don’t shut yourself away from your partner to grieve, grieve together, be angry about it together. The key word is together. 
    you’ll be in my prayers and I’ll come back to see if you’re around, ok? God bless you both. I’m sure you’ll get more replies, people, even strangers, do care, I promise you. All love, Chrissie.

    Chrissie Hardman

  • Hi , and welcome to Carers. So much is closed during lockdown, but if you contact PALS at the hospital where he's treated, they can tell you what support is available in your area. I'm always telling people about the helpline and it really is worth giving them a call, they're so supportive. 0808 808 0000 8am - 8pm every day. I'm sorry your neighbour has proved to be so unhelpful, there's nowt like folk, as they say. I know what you mean about being a carer not a wife, it does all take it's toll. While you're in lockdown, can you spend some time on your own self care? Even putting a bit of perfume on makes me feel better and watching Christmas DVDs is a blessing, especially the humorous ones. There's also the Macmillan telephone Buddies. And talk to us, we're here for you.

    Big hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LoobyLou49

    Thanks for the advice. X