urgent advice needed please

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

A relative who has terminal kidney cancer has been in hospital for over two weeks, they haven’t eaten or drunk for a week and they are barely responsive, they are 90. The doctors have been pumping in antibiotics for two weeks the inflammation markers have reduced but overall there has been a dramatic deterioration. All family are of the same opinion that it’s almost time but the doctors are avoiding the discussion insisting on trying a bit longer then a bit longer and then a bit longer. We have an appointment with doctor and social worker in morning. The bed and the medication is in place at home I already got that sorted before he went in because I knew he wanted to die at home, he made it very clear. My question is can we insist he is sent home where he wants to be, how fast can we make it happen and who would be responsible for washing and changing him ? Thanks 

  • Hi , I would think it unlikely that anyone could insist on a patient of that age going home, but you'd need to check with PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison)  they're usually close to the entrance of the hospital. Any care in the home is best sorted with the hospital before he goes home; once home any organising of care would probably need to be done through the GP. It would be a good idea to ask the GP for a hospice referral (you can't just phone up without referral) and they're really good with help in the home. 

    Hope it all goes as well as possible,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LoobyLou49

    Hi there, thanks for your reply, they have agreed to fast track his discharge so he can be at home at the end as per his wishes. It will be Monday/Tuesday time if he holds out Cry