Newly diagnosed

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi never thought in a million years one of my babies would have cancer 

my 24 year old daughter was diagnosed on the 10.5.19 with ovarian cancer ... my world has fallen apart . Just waiting for her operation. Just devastated . It’s so hard staying positive when all I want to do is cry 

  • So very sorry to hear this awful news it is one of my worst fears anything happening to my children or grandchildren .Despite all my husband has been through he has always said rather him than either of our children . Our first instincts as parents is to protect our children every disappointment every hurt cuts us  just as deeply as them if not more . You will find the strength to love help and support your daughter by those few words you have written here I know you are a wonderful mother and. Your daughter is in safe hands as she always has been . Keep writing on here we will support we do each other .There is only one way to do this and that is to buckle on your armour and go into battle .Look after yourself and wish you both all the best . With love from one mother to another xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Thank you so much for your kind words . 

    My family have always laughed at me saying I keep my children in cotton wool, this is so difficult, but you are right , the battle armour is on, the fight has begun . 

    Kindest regards , mummy Kerry 

  • Hi and welcome to Carers. I can see Steve has given some information on a group that can be very supportive and helpful with more information. Your tears are a measure of your love for your daughter and you will feel a bit more settled once the op is done, and when the follow up scan results come through you will know more of what to expect. Please do call the helpline if you need to talk. Thinking of you.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • Hi Kerry,

    my 41 year old partner (I’m 32) was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer with spread to lungs late Feb this year. It was devastating but I managed to find the fight within a few days. Less than a week later we were told it had spread to the brain (3 tumours). Once again the rug was swept from under us. For about 3 weeks I was like a zombie, I stayed off work and was inconsolable, worse than he was in fact. 

    But I have the fight in me again now, I’m reading so many stories on here and also trial reports on the drugs he is taking. There is a 10% chance of remission on this immunotherapy drug. That’s all the hope I need. Never give up the fight. I hope your daughter makes a full recovery. This disease is horrendous and you just never think it will happen to you. This group has helped me so much in the first few months of diagnosis. Stay strong!

    sending you lots of hugs and hope.


    Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today - James Dean