Partner has kidney removed as suspected tumour is cancer . they have said he won’t be

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hi my partner David has a tumour in his right kidney and had it removed on Thursday by key hole . We only found out about a week and a half ago and are quite shocked as he was having a scan on a hernia . David went down for his op at 1:30 and at 8:30 still hadn’t come back from recovery. Recovery rang me and asked me to go and see him as we had been in the hospital since 7am . His blood oxygen sats where low and he also was losing a lot of blood in his drain . He didn’t come out of recovery till 8:30 yesterday morning. His consultant came round yesterday afternoon and said he could come home today  even though he still had his drain in ,a catheter in a fluid drip and a drip of morphine. We where in shock . Today they are not going to as he is still wired to machine although he has got out of bed . What can I expect when he comes home ?? I’m really scared . 

  • Hi there, I hope that you get.a lot more information and guidance from the hospital, it would seem very unfair otherwise. You must have been through so much. Macmillan are a godsend support and encouragement . I think that you have to ask for what you need sometimes  and you need to look after yourself as well, we are all only human and we can only do our best. X

    Love is eternal
  • Hi ,

    Do your best to get them to sort everything out while David is still in hospital, if he's not already out?. Once he's out, they can't do anything, but they can make arrangements to help before his discharge.

    Thinking of you,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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