Fragmin post Sepsis bleeding

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  • 44 subscribers

Hubby has star 4 bowel cancer spread to liver. Sepsis interrupted Chemo at cycle six. Now at the end  of cycle 8 and awaiting CT scan review. He has blood in stools  again and is thin sn tired. He was responding so well up to and including cycle 6. He had DVT with sepsis so is on Fragmin injections. So difficult to know whether bleeding is due to blood thinners or original sigmoid tumour. So confused.

  • Hi and welcome to Carers, although I'm sorry to hear about your husband. It might help if you call your husband's specialist nurse for some information. If at all worried, do call the helpline; it's manned by experts. You might find some answers in the bowel cancer group too.

    Love and hugs,

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