Treatment ended all clear then he falls.

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  • 44 subscribers

Hello there

Haven't been on this for a little while so catching up today.Seeing lots of positive posts and end of treatment successes.Bravo!!!!

We went on the 19th April for the consultation after 3months rest and recovery. Daunting.In a French hospital to encounter 12 doctors and nurses ,some we knew,some not.My husband had the camera down the throat to verify all was well.Yes and the scan was clear too.

Hurray. We go home tired and still emotional and he slides coming out of the car onto his back. Sore and bruised we carry on.This is the Easter weekend too.By Sunday he has a temperature and lack of balance.Ambulance called.Into hospital again. He now has an infection in the lungs and is on antibiotics plus oxygen.

He wants out and seems to be hallucinating? I am at my wit's end and also tired from coping from all the previous year.

Do I feel guilty for not rushing off to collect him today from the hospital? By the way I don't drive either and rely on kind friends and good neighbors.

Feeling emotional and exhausted.Just needed to write this down it helps me.

Have a good evening

Love Fifinet

  • Dear , After all you've been through, I'm so sorry to hear that your husband is back in hospital. No, absolutely do not feel guilty, you need to recover too. It's one of those times when you have to put your own needs first; you can't look after your husband if you're exhausted and drained. I do hope you have friends who can help you to take some time out and relax for a while. You've been so brave and have managed in a foreign country where most of us would have freaked out. 

    You too, have a good evening.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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