Mum has Lung Cancer in Lymph Nodes

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi All

I’m not sure where to begin. My Mum had a lobectomy 4yrs ago. All went well and she was back to normal quite quickly.

In January it came back, this time in the lymph nodes in her chest. Lots of them and quite large. Chemo was her only option, the first couple of cycles she coped well with, but the third has been  horrendous, so much so that we have had to move her in with us. She has one more cycle to go, which has been deferred due to her being so unwell this time.

I am worried sick how the last one will go. She is down to 39.5 kilos, very weak and struggling. They want her to have Radiotherapy after this! I really don’t think she will get through it at this rate.

My emotions are all over the place, as are Mums.

I get so angry, because I feel trapped and helpless. Frustrated because if I try to gee her up I’m accused of not wanting her (she is very good at the guilt trip thing), I am her sole carer, as we lost my Dad to cancer 16yrs ago and I have no siblings.

I am also raising 1 of my 5 grandchildren as my own, had him from a couple of weeks old, will be 6 shortly and have 2 of his siblings alternate weekends. My OH works away from home every couple of weeks or so.

I am feeling overwhelmed with responsibility, some days I just can’t think straight, I have to write everything down, because I don’t trust myself to remember where I need to be, what time or which jobs need doing etc etc etc.

Ordered a stairlift today, so that we can get Mum back home (which she keeps saying she can’t wait to do), started cleaning the house ready for her return and when the guy left I got “you can’t wait to get rid of me, can you”. I admit I almost lost it, but managed to hold back the anger and just let her know how much it hurt when she says these things and that I do have other responsibilities that have to be sorted out.

I know I need help, but I don’t know where to get it from or what if anything we are entitled to. Mum has been difficult in the past about having anyone but me do things for her, but today I finally had to say, she may have to accept that I can’t always be there and someone else will have to help out occasionally.

I am being torn in so many directions, Mum, Hubby, little one, grandkids and there is contact supervision once a month on top of that for the little one, with his parents and a grandparent.

  • Wow, reading your post I can only say that you really are a wonderful person. I realise you never wanted to be in this situation, but you do so much for so many. Hope by now you have found help  as I am sure macmillan will have given you great advice  You need to have time for yourself . 

    Love is eternal
  • Hi and welcome to Carers, although I'm sorry to hear about your mum. Some suggestions:

    PALS is located near the hospital entrance in most hospitals and they can tell you what help is available in your area. If the doctor hasn't already referred your mum to the local hospice, do ask him/her to do so as they can provide an enormous amount of help in the home (but you have to be referred by the GP, you can't just phone up).

    This link will take you to a page with financial advice and the Carers Trust can help with advice on forms and filling them in, as can your mum's Macmillan nurse (if not yet referred, again, ask for a referral). It's also worth asking the Macmillan nurse about the Companion Scheme, where someone can sit with your mum to give you a break, and even do light chores.

    Local cancer support groups  are great with face to face chats and support for carers, also, check with your surgery; some surgeries have a carers register and once on it you will be find it opens up a lot of other support.

    The helpline  0800 808 0000 is manned by experts who are very understanding and can provide information and support in a wide variety of areas.

    While it sounds trite, do look after yourself, you've got so much on your plate. So many carers ignore their own needs until they become unwell themselves; even something as simple as a warm bath or a walk in the park can give you a break. I hope you find something useful here.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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