Limbo !!!!!!

  • 5 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all

This is my first post, my husband was diagnosed June 2017 with stage 4 incurable colorectal cancer spread to lymph nodes, lungs and as of last July 2018 also now his liver. First 12 cycles of chemo were not too bad as he gained the weight he had lost before diagnosis then had 5 weeks of chemo and radiotherapy at the beginning of last year. That was when we planned a lot and did the holidays we had always wanted to do but never got round to and we had a fab summer. 

He has now come to the end of his second cycle and boy was that hard and completely knocked him for six, had problems with bloods and loss of feeling to his hands and feet so they had to stop one of the drugs for the last few treatments.

I will stop rambling but my question is how do you cope with the limbo in between treatments, he has scans this month then see the consultant May 8th.......... This is the bit I find very difficult because when he is on treatment I know something is being done...... 

He has had increased pain which he deals with fairly well but it breaks my heart not being able to do anything and the lack of knowing what happens next and what the scan results will show....

Thank you for listening.


  • Hi Zoe, and welcome to posting. The waiting is always horrible. A lot of us use meditation apps and free websites with soothing music and if you need to chat, do call the helpline which is manned by very understanding experts. My husband says that just my being there helps him so much; all the cups of decaf tea and coffee (no caffeine with prostate cancer treatment) and pouring hot baths for him to soak in. The waiting seems harder sometimes than others and I feel for you. You could also post in the emotional issues group where there's a lot of support for those of us, like me, who can go into meltdown when things are tough.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LoobyLou49

    Thank you, we just get jittery as the last time the news wasn`t great due to spreading to liver but will try and stay positive and hope things have shrunk and we get a bit of quality time without a million hospital trips. You are doing a wonderful job Slight smile.......

    Love & hugs

  • Hi Zoey in same boat Bill had treatment for 2nd brain met in November his story is on my profile if you take a look .He roo has had increased pain around origanel op site the hospice docter prescribed steroids which have helped a lot . It dosent get any easier and sometomes a coigh or a pain is just that .I think we just muddle thru really  time with friends and family helps talking frankly about how things are going not always easy for sure .And this wonderful online community 

    I have started reading again this is helping and meditation tapes a couple of times a week .We are all here to support you so take care and good luck .Bill has his results for latest treatment on Friday wish us luck lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Fingers crossed for Friday for you xxx

  • Thank you will post the results take care xx

    Granny Sue