My husband died in my arms on the 2nd May (2009) - what happens now?

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My husband - Chris - died on the 2nd May 2009 because he had anal cancer. He knew he was going and we spoke about lots and lots of things before he died. That is why I am just not prepared for the huge amount of guilt I feel now. I feel guilty that the world hasn't stopped turning round even though he has died. I feel like everything should stop as a mark of respect. I also feel very guilty that he had to be so ill he had to die. What a cruel cruel thing it is to make someone so ill their body just stops working. I wasn't ready for him to go. I really really hope these are normal feelings because I must hang on to my sanity for the sake of my 3 children. I have never known sadness like I feel right now. I can't believe that I will not hear his voice or feel his touch again. We were married for almost 32 years and I have known Chris for 34 years - since I was 16. What happens now? Ailsa

  • FormerMember
    Hi Ailsa how did you get on today?

    I went in to work and am going back on Wednesday. Feel like a weight has been lifted!! Was hard walking in but worth it! Also met up with a friend this afternoon for a couple of drinks(we had a good chat and a few tears about Paul but nice to get together xxx) and had a letter from one of my endownment policies (the biggest part of my mortgage) to say they are paying it into my account, so I can pay a big chunk of my mortgage off until the other policy sorts itself out.

    Hope your day went as well

    Helen xx
  • FormerMember
    Hi Helen. My day went as well as I could hope. I couldn't sleep last night so I was tired today. A colleague was watching out for me and came to meet me as I went in the building, which was really nice. I felt incredibly tearful and quite sick on the drive in. I stayed until 2pm but was at a bit of a loose end by then so decided I had had enough for the day. I am not going to have much to do this week so I am going to come home around lunch every day. I think tomorrow will be better as I will know more of what to expect. I felt like I was dodging people today but I think I will be more able to go and face them tomorrow.
    I am glad your mortgage is getting sorted out. I paid mine off on Friday but looks like I need to check again later in the week to make sure it really has reached them. I think I only have one more insurance to sort out and then I can have a break from paperwork.
    I finished planting flowers on Chris's grave today - they look nice in the sun.
    Good luck for Wednesday. Ailsa x
  • FormerMember
    Good morning Sue, Libby & Helen. I remembered about the probate thing in the night. The one insurance company who asked me for probate have said they will send an indemnity for me to sign instead. I need to send it back with a copy of Chris's will. I will check out more seriously at the weekend whether I should still get probate granted though. I will try what you did Sue and do it myself if I need to do it. I printed a lot of stuff off the website so I need to read it when I am not tired - which won't be today! Have a good day everyone. Ailsa x
  • FormerMember
    Hi Ailsa, Helen
    How things are with you? Did you find time to read about that probate?
    Dose it mean that the executive has to deal with it? not me...
    I am so lost in this.
    Hope you had a nice week. I can not put my self together. I cant even think properly.
    I feel that I am somewhere else. That is probably why I am straggling with this.
    Take care Libby

  • FormerMember
    Hi All

    I have found what you have all been writing especially at the beginning so true. My husband Matt died on 12th May he was only 30 and I have been trying to sort my thoughts out since then. He had been so well until February even though he was diagnosed in August 06. From April I became his primary carer and it hurt so much to see such a strong and active person suddenly become so weak he couldn't climb the stairs or get out of the bath without help.

    Since his death I've gone through a lot of guilty feelings how can I be with friends and enjoying myself when hes not here with me. I went on the Cruse website today and realise I must be numb my brain just doesn't want me to believe its true. I know Matt wouldn't want me to sit and wallow but he was so angry at the end that this was happening that I can't stop the guilt. Its the what ifs that get me as well what if I'd spotted the mole earlier what if we'd started a trial earlier did I do everything right on the day he died. Everyone says you can't beat yourself up about it but its hard not to. Night is especially hard without him I tend to cope through the day but at night I miss him so much.

    I just wanted to say thanks as reading your posts has made me realise I'm not alone.

    Ginny x
  • FormerMember
    i lost my partner 27th may 2009 ive been reading your posts and its made me realise all my feeling are normal im so lost at moment i gave up work for the last six weeks of bills life we spent everyday togher and we talked so much il always be gratful for that so dont know where to go from here terri-annie xx
  • FormerMember
    Hi Ginnie and Terry Annie

    So sorry to hear you are going through this too xxx

    I have gone back to work but feel guilty that I am carrying on life without Paul. Saying that he would have been telling me to get back!! Just been to a funeral this afternoon of one of our friends 21 year old son who died on his motorbike last weekend. Last time we saw them all was at Paul`s funeral 3 weeks ago, seems like a lifetime ago.

    This site has helped me so much by talking to people who know how I feel. Hope you keep posting xxx

    Helen xx
  • FormerMember

    Hello Libby, Ginny, Terri-annie & Helen. I am so sorry to hear each of us are going through this dreadful time. Posting on here made me feel like my feelings of guilt are very normal. I hope that maybe we can offer each other a little support and a boost even if it is only from knowing that we do not have to grieve alone - there are people thinking about each of us. Like Helen I have gone back to work this week. It has been a very odd week. I feel like a freak. No-one knows what to say to me. I felt very sorry for one lady I know who saw me in the ladies and asked me how Chris was doing. She hadn't heard that he had died. I had to tell her and it knocked her for 6. Her husband is in remission from anal cancer (sqamous cell version). She didn't know what to say and then sent me an email later apologising again. It really wasn't her fault but I couldn't seem to settle her at all. I have been allowed to come and go as I want for now so I have come home at lunchtime or soon after each day. On Wednesday I was in a meeting for a couple of hours. I got completely absorbed in the discussion and then, after an hour and a half, I suddenly remembered that Chris had died. It was a bit like what happens when I wake up in the morning and remember he has died. It felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. It left me feeling sick for the rest of the day. People ask me how I am doing and I have to be honest and say I don't know. I can't get enthusiastic about anything since I don't have Chris to share it with.
    How has your first few days back at work gone Helen?
    Ginny - Chris was angry too. He was angry about how unfair it all was but also that there is no research into more rare cancers. He didn't begrudge the work that gets done on other cancers but he wished there was more time spent on rare ones as well. In the end he was really only worried about what he was putting everyone through and how much upset he was going to cause me by dying. He hated the way it had destroyed his body making it impossible to climb stairs or even walk.

    Terri-annie - Chris and I often commented on the fact that we were grateful for the chance to talk so openly and honestly in the last few weeks of his life. Like you, I am so grateful for that. I know Chris knew he was loved very much.

    Libby - I have read through the paperwork I printed from the website.
    I understand what probate is now but also know that I don't need to get it as Chris left no estate. The mortgage protection paid the mortgage off but that doesn't count as 'estate'. A payment protection policy paid our loan off and that doesn't count as 'estate' either. Our house is jointly owned so although that counts as 'estate' in one sense it does not get used to pay debts. Unfortunately I would need to know more about you to offer any proper help. All I can say is that I found out that you need grant of probate if your partners estate is worth more than £5,000. Jointly owned possesions don't count or money in joint bank accounts. Is your problem because Paul had things in his name only? You may have to speak to a solicitor.

    I am banging on a bit in this post so I will finish for now. Take care everyone and try to rest over the weekend. Ailsa xxx

  • FormerMember
    Hello to you all,
    Thank you Ailsa for your help. Yes you are right Paul had that in his name. I cant think about all this anymore his twin brother has to take it in his hands. Now His brother is not well too. I tried to look at it but I always burst into tears. I miss Paul terribly and I don't feel to deal with this.I want him back.
    The worst time is after I put our little ones to bed. I cant watch TV because we did this together. I haven't been watching since Paul has died. I am always by the computer till is too late and I am tired enough to go to bed.
    I dont know how far I can go like this. It is too much.My daughter is only five. It is very hard to talk to her when she starts talking about her daddy how she misses him. She plays her own games and singing songs about daddy how He is dieing. I tried to ignor it but my stomak is like a stone. Our little boy is nearly 2 he doesnt understand but he keeps mentioning daddy too. All these things makes me too week. I wish I was stronger.
    When I see our little once I know I must be strong but how can I be without Paul.
    Take care all of you and have a better weekend Libby x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Libby. It sounds to me like you need to step back and let Paul's twin brother sort some things out for just as you suggest. If things were in Paul's name it can all be sorted out but it will take a little more time. I am sorry to hear that Paul's brother is not too well but I am sure he will be able to sort things out for you. You sound exhausted but you are doing really well taking care of your children. They are too young to understand. I realise now that I am fortunate that my 3 have grown up. Even then there are issues - I am in the house on my own and I feel so lonely. Tonight is the first night I have tried to relax and watch TV. Like you and Paul, Chris and I used to watch TV together. I hadn't noticed that I was avoiding watching TV until tonight. I just keep bursting into tears. I have been sitting on the sofa with a photo album looking at pictures and talking to Chris, telling him how much I miss him.

    You will be strong Libby - mums always are! Mums are the strongest force in the universe. Forget all the paperwork for now and concentrate on you and the children. Get as much rest as you can. Being tired always makes things worse. You can be strong for Paul and for the children.

    Take care. Ailsa x