Widowed Friends Group, Northern Ireland

  • 124 replies
  • 25 subscribers
Hello All. I wonder if I might tell you about a Friendship Group Meeting for Widows/Widowers that we are planning to hold in Belfast on Saturday 14th September. This is simply a group for men and women who have lost their husband, wife or partner and would like to meet together with other people in the same position. We are "testing the waters" to see if people are interested or think there is a need for a group like this. If you would like more information, please check out the contact details on our website - www.wfni.co.uk, get in touch with us and we will provide further details. Thank you all, best wishes, Lorna xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I felt exactly the same.  I was with my husband since I was 17 and he was 19 and, like you, my children and Billy were my life.  The bottom fell out of it the day I lost him and after the numb stage wore off, I had no direction and didn't know what to do with myself.  We did everything together, even the grocery shopping and the ache I felt deep in my soul was immense.  I did reach a very dark place and really wondered what was the point of going on without him .... and then I remembered how hard he fought to stay with us.  The bravery and utter determination to fight this awful disease stayed with him until his last breath.  I realised then that I had to go on living as a testament to him.  I sought counselling through Marie Curie and it changed my life.  They taught me not to focus on what was and how it could have been different, but to look at the happiness we had shared and to push forward slowing into my new life living it to the full in his memory.  Look forward to meeting you and go easy on yourself.  You are still very new to this journey.  Take care. xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate , Just to let you know that I will be at the meeting at the library on the Creagh rd and I hope to meet you.I know it will be very hard for you I could not do it untiil last May and Ivan had been dead 10months.I talk to him all the time and tell him how much I wish he was still here.I still have bad days . Just take each day at a time. If you need anything just message me and I hope to see you tomorrow Jennifer xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate I am new to this site, I believe there is a monthly meeting at Creagagh  Library,  would like to attend, do you know when the next one is and can you just turn up, mu name is Muriel I lost

    my hubby last year and would like to meet up withnother people like me. Mu

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Muriel

    Yes there in a meeting in Cregagh Library on Sat 29th form 10.30-12.30 and you just turn up. Its run by two ladies called Debs and Lorna. They are very nice and once a month they arrange to go out for dinner as well.

    It's always good to talk to people who understand exactly what you are going through. I lost my husband at the beginnng of Feb this year and feel so lost and lonely without him although my two sons live here ( they are 19 and 26) . I just miss having someone to share my life with as you will understand very well.

    I live in Lisburn and go to Pilates and  Zumba and I do a bit of walking as well as meeting up with friends.

    Please contact me any time at all you feel like a chat.  Kate

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate, 

    I'm from Lisburn too. I lost my husband in December 2016 to pancreatic cancer. I have 3 sons 27, 25 & 17 who all live at home, but life's very lonely without my husband. 

    I'm not sure if I'm ready to go to a support group yet. Have you found it helpful?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate thanks for replying to my post, its nice to know there are people like me out there. I will be going to the meeting on Saturday at Cregagh, thanks for letting me know that is this week. I am hoping to start Zumba dancing and pilates or Yoga this week in Newtownards hopefully. Any time you feel the need to talk don't hesitate, I am on the website for the way up, but it is mostly people across on the mainland, nice to hear from someone locally. Take care bye for now Muriel

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Muriel & Elaine,

    My name is Jennifer  I am further down the line my husband will be dead 2 years in July.It is just one day at the time weekends are worst Sunday's are the worst. I also have started to go to the meeting in Creagh rd.  I am also on the Way up web site and also their face book page .I find the web site very good even to read the other posts you know you are not alone.I swim 3 Days a week in Lisburn pool and have made some very good friends.  Jennifer

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Elaine 

    I have only been to the group in Cregagh once as I only lost my husband 11 weeks ago but I do find it helpful to talk to other people who know exactly how you feel. It's a very different life to what we have been used to and it's hard not having someone there to talk to or to go for a drive. You miss all the little things that you used to share as a couple and it's hard when I come into the house after leaving my soon to the train knowing that there's no one to speak to when I come back.  I also go to a griefshare group in Elmwood church on Thursdays from 7-9 which I find very good - if you google it you can find more information. It's for anyone who has been bereaved. If you want to meet up for a chat anytime we could meet for a coffee. 

    I found that getting back to the things I used to do like Pilates and Zumba helped. Just keeping busy in any way is a help to me. Kate

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Muriel 

    There are so many people like us and it's good when we get together and share our feelings.

    I hope to get to Cregagh library on Saturday but will keep in touch anyhow 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

    Thank you for replying. I'm glad you find the griefshare group helpful, Elmwood church isn't too far from me but don't think I could talk in a group setting, i would just get upset..maybe I'm not ready yet. 

    You're so right about all the little things. I miss everything about my husband, even the bad points that used to drive me mad.

    That's lovely of you to offer to meet up for a coffee & a chat. We definitely must do that soon.

    Take care
