Widowed Friends Group, Northern Ireland

  • 124 replies
  • 25 subscribers
Hello All. I wonder if I might tell you about a Friendship Group Meeting for Widows/Widowers that we are planning to hold in Belfast on Saturday 14th September. This is simply a group for men and women who have lost their husband, wife or partner and would like to meet together with other people in the same position. We are "testing the waters" to see if people are interested or think there is a need for a group like this. If you would like more information, please check out the contact details on our website - www.wfni.co.uk, get in touch with us and we will provide further details. Thank you all, best wishes, Lorna xx
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jennifer and thank you for the details. It seems so hard to imagine the rest of my life without him as it seems so empty without him. I have two sons who are working but still live at home - they are 19 and 26 and it's great to have them with me but I miss my husband especially at night time and at the weekends as we used to do things together and today was horrible as it was a beautiful day and we would have been going out for a wee drive. Will you be there on Saturday as it would be nice to meet you ? I did go to Pilates and Zumba but haven't managed to get myself back to them yet. I'm not a great swimmer but that's great that you do it three times a week. My friends are really supportive but very often when I'm out I feel so lonely. I phoned cruse but their waiting time is 4 months which is a long time. I actually found a grief management course in a church in Lisburn and was there on Thursday and found it was good. I'd try anything that would help but I know there is no magic wand unfortunately. Thank you for saying I could message you. Kate

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate, Yes I will be there next Saterday .I had to Wait 13 weeks for cruse but it was worth it.I would still put my name down for cruse  you can always take your name of the list if you feel you don't need it. I find Sunday's the worst because everyone is either couples or families. I joined way up last year it's an on line group and it has helped  reading what other people's replies. On the Wednesday the 5 th April I am meeting another lady from that group at Dobbies in Lisburn and you are very welcome to join us.I have never met this lady before she got in touch with me through the way up group and asked if we could meet up. I have a son who is married with one child and another one on the way in May.I have 2 Step daughters .


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jenny I'm having a bit of trouble getting into messages when I don't reply immediately. Thank you for asking me to Dobbies but I have a friend calling but I look forward to meeting you on Saturday.

    Thanks again 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kate,I will see you next Saturday message me anytime Jennifer 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Sorry I missed the dinner on 18 March.  I have just had a cancer scare myself and the last couple of weeks have passed in a bit of a blur.  I was referred for PMB to City Hospital and ended up in Mater Hospital on Thursday 16 March having biopsies done.  Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones and I was given the all clear on Friday past.  However, it was a very frightening experience - when you've been through what we already have, you can't help fearing the worst!!  Can you please apologies to the ladies on my behalf and explain the circumstances if you don't mind.  I had already something arranged for this Saturday - to be honest I completely forgot it was the next meeting.  I will be unable to attend this time but would love it if you could let me know arrangements for the next evening out.  Did you go on 18 March?

    Hopefully see you and talk soon.  Jeanette x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Jeanette, I am sorry to hear you have not been well I am pleased you are now on the road to recovery. I didn't go to the meal as I felt it was a bit far to drive it will be ok when the brighter nights  come in. I tried to texted you but I think I took down the wrong number. I will apologise to the other ladies for you and I will find out for you were and when the next night out is.Hope to see you soon.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Jennifer.  Hope to see you soon also.  I'll send you a text from my phone - I think I have you saved in my contacts - then you can get my number from it. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Kitty.  I also lost my husband to cancer at the age of 53 - 4 years ago in August.  Like you I have 2 sons, 28 and 25 and a daughter of 22.  At 7 weeks in you are bound to be numb and totally lost - I know I was.  The fact you are reaching out for others in the same position is a great sign.  I met Jennifer at the last meeting on Cregagh Road and we had both made contact also through this site.  I am unable to go to this meeting, but hope to meet you at one in the future.  Keep strong.  Big hugs. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi thank you for replying to me. This past 7 weeks has been like an eternity and I feel as if my whole life is pointless at the minute as every day is the same and my life has no focus. I don't know how I will manage the rest did my life without him I am looking forward to the meeting on Saturday and hopefully I will meet you at the next one. Big hugs back xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi thank you for replying to me. This past 7 weeks has been like an eternity and I feel as if my whole life is pointless at the minute as every day is the same and my life has no focus. I don't know how I will manage the rest did my life without him I am looking forward to the meeting on Saturday and hopefully I will meet you at the next one. Big hugs back xx 

    Sorry I replied last night but sent it directly to MacmillanÂ