I wrote this to myself then thought it showed the feelings of most bereaved people, hope you do not mind if I share it

  • 132 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Why do I grieve, not for the past, because that was already past

I grieve for what we may have had together in the future

I grieve with racking sobs and immeasurable pain for the loss of him

I grieve because I know that this is not for today for it will last

beyond tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

The overwhelming need to be with him, if only for a brief minute

frightens me, yet comforts me through my tears, because it means

That I have experienced the depth of love I did not believe existed

And for that I should remember to be grateful, but it still seems

As though there is no tomorrow for me any more, just today

To push myself through, for the sake of others and in memory of him

Not to sound self-pitying or boring others with my pain, so I paint on my face

And I face the world, but inside I feel nothing but emptiness and grief,

and with that word again, I grieve, and I scream to the sky, I want him back

The world is silent, the world we knew is no more, and I feel cast away

on a sea of loneliness, where there is no laughter, nor even fights, just silence

The silence made of grieving and loss. 

Whilst others quite rightly gather back their lives and hold their loved ones even closer 

I want him home, I want him back, I want to be with him

But in his name and for his memory’s sake I must go on, into a future alone

No one can help me, not family nor friends, for this is one battle I must face

To waken each day, look at the same spot on the ceiling and get on with trying to live

Without him.

  • Bumping up this amazing poem Hibiscus

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Never fails to make me Cry 

    Expresses my feelings perfectly, as I’m sure it does others xx

  • Thank you diamondsgirl. Your poem touches my heart. Don't we all know that raw painful feeling of loss which never really goes away. God bless you.

  • Saw this on friendface and wantd to share it here Heart eyes


    Don’t miss me more than once a day,

    For life is moving fast.

    Don’t wish all of your time away,

    Dreaming of the past.

    Don’t waste the moment looking at,

    The things I left behind me.

    I’m not within those walls or boxes

    The heart is where you’ll find me.

    Don’t dread to say my name, sweet one,

    Don’t fear the wrath of sadness.

    Just take the love you had for me,

    And turn it into gladness.

    Don’t worry when my birthday comes

    Don’t feel me missing more.

    I’m filled with love you’re sending me,

    Just as I was before.

    Some days your anger will rush out,

    Your tears will find their way.

    To me, wherever I am then.

    I’ll soothe them all away.

    When I am gone don’t miss me more,

    Than once, or twice a day.

    There’s so much life to live, my love.

    I’m with you, all the way.

    Donna Ashworth

    Art by Deana Markus



    Tomorrow is another day
  • And again tears Cry 

    Marts birthday is quickly approaching, don’t understand why I’m dreading it so much x

  • Hey budge13 the date will come and go and you will get through the day Neutral face we overthink the milestones I have found. You have got the 'firsts' to get past and you will, trust me, it will be 2 years on 5 April since Colin died and I still can't believe its real. 2 birthdays have gone by since Colin died and he would've been 60 last October. Instead he will be forever 58 Heart You dread it because you've not felt this experience without your life partner and don't know what to expect.  Tomorrow will come because we can't stop it.  And we WILL survive Heart

    Virtual hug to you x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Such lovely, moving words in this forum that always make me emotional Cry They are all very true and describe the lives I suspect many of us now lead, with our hearts broken and beyond repair. It will be 5 months next Thursday since I lost my one and only true love after just 6 wonderful years together, we had been married 15 months. I experienced more love, devotion and happiness with Sharon, than I ever did in a 32 year marriage !

    Although I manage to get through the days, they just float by, but each night I climb the stairs to an empty room, an empty bed and no more cuddles to say goodnight. Then the tears break through andBroken hearteep going until my eyes start to feel sore. I will keep going to keep my promise to Sharon, to look after our little Yorkie Tilly. However, I now have no fear of death and I pray daily for the time Broken heart come when I will be reunited with my one true love Broken heartFingers crossedCry

    Below I have attached the verse I chose for the prayer cards everyone received during Sharon's service. Hopefully some may also find the words comforting.

    Hugs and best wishes to you all.

    Paul xx

  • Dear Diamondsgirl,

    you have composed a beautiful verse with your words, and as you say they probably the feelings of many of out here living in the world of grief. I find your words so heartfelt, moving and most certainly emotional. If you don’t mind I would like to use your words to send to some family and friends in the hope it will help them to understand at least some of what I am going through, of course I would change him for her.

    I am blessed with some family and friends who continue to support me and for this I am eternally grateful, despite this your verse describes how I feel on a daily basis Sat here alone for breakfast and lunch, etc… I no longer have Sharon’s beauty to behold or her arms to comfort me or her silky soft hand to hold. We almost lived our lives as though we were the only two in it. I worked from home and Sharon was retired and so it was easy to do so, and never once did we ever feel uncomfortable with this, we simply loved being in each other’s company. I miss her more than words could ever say, and now I must go, as my emotions are overwhelming me once again.

    best wishes and comfort to you all.

    Love Paul x

  • It’s coming up to 5 months and although I push myself to do things, plan trips and holidays, I know it’s all a distraction from my new reality, but I know I  just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, as we all do. 

    The family I was expecting to support me, Marts brother and wife, don’t speak to me. His brother got Covid before funeral, so couldn’t come, my sister in law wouldn’t isolate after a pcr,  wanted to live by the nhs Covid rules.  I wasn’t well, on 2nd dose of antibiotics, I was worried for myself as my daughter and granddaughter live with me, they need my support, emotionally and financially, I was worried about other old friends and relatives coming. I don’t understand why she just couldn’t get a clear test and come to us but despite ringing her and leaving teary messages, I was ignored. I was a mess, I needed them and they ignored me. Thank goodness for my younger sister and older brother, their phone calls have saved me from a dark place. 

    Now, I’m stronger, I just feel so disappointed in them, maybe because I really loved them both, I’ve found it harder. I’m wondering how all this additional upset has influenced my emotions. Maybe writing it down will help.

    Big hug and thanks right back at you xx

  • Thank you for this

    I held my husband's funeral in Friday and I now have no idea how to go on. I took some comfort from your words 
