So Lonely and Lost

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  • 27 subscribers

Where do I begin……my wonderful husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer on 13 January they told us it would be months rather than years.  He passed away last week.  It all seems so fast.  I keep busy during the day with all the admin you need to do when someone passes away.  I do this none stop because when I do stop and think I just burst into tears. The last week before he passed he stayed mainly upstairs in bed and I used to do thing’s downstairs and pop up regularly to see if he needed anything or do meditation.  He wasn’t really eating by the final few days only yoghurt with his morning medication as these needed to be taken with food.  Before the dreaded C he had a major sweet tooth and was a big man.  Anyway I tell myself now when I’m doing things downstairs “he’s upstairs resting” it’s the only way I can cope during the day to be honest.  The nights are the hardest lots of heart wrenching crying.  I miss him so very much and I feel like I to died the day he did.  Family and friends have been kind and supportive but I can’t except them to come running every time I breakdown which to be completely honest is every day.  I put on a front and when they ask I say up and down but ok.  Which is far from the truth.  My question to those out there that have lost a loved one to this F in cruel disease is how do you go on each day when your life seems so empty now without your soulmate?

  • I think you just take it one hour at a time and do what you need to do: if that's coping by thinking your loved one is still upstairs, then that's OK; if it's the heart-rending sobbing and screaming, that's also okay; break down as often as you need to. Seven months on, I still weep three or four times a day. My answer to the question about how I'm doing? I now say : I'm doing okay except for when I'm not okay. Or, I have crap days and less crap days. It depends who's asking as to what answer they get. I feel flat and joyless but I still find gardening therapeutic. Life remains joyless at the moment. Can you find something you used to enjoy? 

  • Thank you wesurvived you hit the nail on the head flat and joyless.  I will have go take up the garden chores now my beloved hubby is no longer here if not I will be living in a jungle as the grass is already growing awaiting it’s first cut of the season.  Yet the thought of going out front where the world will see me and come and ask how I am, I do not feel ready.  I already say to people that message me I’m ok up and down when in Reality I’m in pieces.  I think people will get fed up if I’m forever crying and saying I’m not ok.  

  • Hi there, my approach is to just go with it. I expect you are still in shock, and exhausted mentally and physically. My husband passed eight months ago, and I still have grief attacks. I found the Cruse Bereavement website helpful as they explain how the brain tries to process grief. I am sending kind thoughts and hugs.

  • I wish I could say there is a magic cure, but sorry there is not. I am now 7 weeks into my journey of life without my soul mate my wife my everything. Nothing I can say will make your walk on this path easier.  It is as they say one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. If you have a good support system please use it. The people on here are good people and if you need to post stuff do it. We are all on here for the same rotten reason. Take care try and sleep and eat.