So sorry ....

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  • 31 subscribers

I feel a bit like a cheat .... I have not lost a partner, I am the partner that my wife may be losing. Maybe not now, but I fear sooner than we hoped. We always hoped "forever", knowing this is not possible, but not so soon. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 years ago., Miraculously, this has been resolved. Now all signs are for colon cancer... and I am plunged in the abyss once again, not stronger, as normally happens with experiences in life. But even more naked and weak. I can really think of accepting my end. I think so sincerely. But it is my wife, best friend, companion, confidante, soulmate and my wonderful daughter that make my heart ache.

But know this: your partners have gone. But they would have wanted you to be happy. To carry on. The *only* consolation I can think of in my last days would be to think that my wife and daughter can find peace. Start a new life, maybe not a happy one but one where you have made peace with what happened. As hard ad it seems, this is the only present you can do to your partners' memory.

I hope you all find peace.


  • I'm so sorry for what you are going through,just concentrate on yourself, your loved ones don't need you to support them they will go through this with you and they will suffer too,but we are not like any other animal we feel love on a very different level we grieve for the past the present and the future can't help loving each other can we, its a privilege to love someone so much it hurts, I have no religious beliefs and we have no idea what the future will bring for those left behind there are no winners in this situation we all suffer x

  • Dear Jane and all on this chat,

    I really feel a cheat now. But I feel I must say this. The CT scan results came back. Negative. The investigation continues to find the reason for my weird symptoms, but it's not what I convinced myself to be. I still strongly believe in what I said about the need for those who remain to find peace. I am so sorry for all of this, although glad that I have been lucky (if that's the word).

    Please forgive me. I think after the cancer diagnosis 2 years ago my mental balance has been left broken.


  • That's great news. I'm so pleased that you got that result 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • That's such a relief I'm happy for you,we are all so fragile mentally the world seems a scary place these days x

  • Hello 

    Good news indeed. Don't apologize! We are here and understand.

    Just continue to share things as and when on here.

    All the best 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "