Bank holidays

  • 22 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I'm sitting thinking about all the hype around the Bank Holiday weekends we have coming up.

For me that just means longer days on my own. I'm not really sure if I want sympathy I think I feel more fed up that I have nobody to do anything with.

My 2 sons are 23 and 17 and they have plans and I'm so glad they do. I feel proud of them for getting on with life even while missing their Dad. I just feel stuck, like I expect him to come back and say "let's do this or that".

Life just feels very lonely.

I got myself a part time job which I enjoy but mainly to fill afew hours of the day and that feels so wrong. I'm only 54 and I literally have no plans, nothing in the diary. 

Sorry for the moan, I hope you all understand some days are hard.

  • Oh god I feel your pain....I just can't come to terms of never hearing his voice, his laugh, his everything again....and like you my dog has been my say everything I'm thinking.

  • Dear Crystalwish 

    So right, and I feel exactly the same. It is overwhelming. One minute I think I am "ok " then the next shouting and crying.

    It happened last night with me. In tears and in pain with this loss that no one understands. Except us all on here.

    Let's hope for a better day. As my mum used to say "keep your pecker up ".

    Hugs to all 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "