Christmas Is Coming!

  • 22 replies
  • 33 subscribers

It's ramping up. The adverts on TV, the songs in shops, etc. The 'happiness and joy' it's meant to bring.

I'm simply dreading it!


  • To say I’m glad I’m not alone in the fire lighting issues is wrong but hopefully you’ll understand. My son (25) has been desperate to light our fire but I’ve held off because it was the last one Tony set. The fire was his thing, there’s a system for the logs and kindling and I have no idea what his system is. I agreed we could light it on Monday (it was very cold) and then went and had a little cry as it’s another bit of him gone.  Even though it’s just a fire. And now me or one of the kids have to set it and I can just hear him saying ‘not like that’. 
    i can’t decide what to do about Christmas cards and decorations. I know the kids will want a tree but I don’t think we’ll put up as much as normal. And I don’t know if I’ll send any cards, it doesn’t seem right. This should have been a really good Christmas for us, youngest son graduated, all kids got jobs and middle son in remission after a diagnosis of NHL and chemo (got told he was in remission the same day we were told my husband was palliative care). 
    I guess we’ll all get through this somehow. 

  • Hello there

    Thanks for replying to me! About the fire too. I can just hear my Barry, saying not like that too. However, I have managed it. In my own way and in my own time. Something I have to do now, more and more I feel alone.

    No family, although some in Scotland, but here in France just me and the cat.

    Shall put up a few decorations, but keep it simple really.

    You are having a tough time I think. We all understand on this forum what it's like. Not b....easy at all. One step at a time. One day at a time. Today, for instance, I though I would tackle the clothes? Not sure how it will go.

    I do know, if I can't do it I will stop, and try again later on. 

    A big hug for us all.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "