First anniversary looming

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I can’t quite believe that one week from today it will be year since I lost my Dave. All I can think about is what was happening at this  time last year - tonight we were in A&E as he’d had fall and due to being on blood thinners they needed to check out where he banged his head. i seem to be recalling all the tiniest details - the room we were in, the sandwiches the nurse brought, the time he started to lose control, the dr asking me to help while he got the cannula in as there was no nurse available, a child crying for his mum in the paediatric section, silly little things  Not sure how my brain retained all of these details because since then everything has seemed so fuzzy

 Little did we know what would happen in that week. Yes he’d been ill for a while and  he was on palliative care but it all happened so fast in the end. Before we went in that day he was mobile (limited but still able to get up and downstairs - go for short walks etc) he was eating well etc. Then within a week he was gone. People say it’s a blessing- that at least he didn’t suffer for a long time and deep down I’m sure they’re right but it just doesn’t help. I miss him more and more each day. 

Jillybean Broken heart

  • Hi Jayne, at least the day is almost over ! I am blessed with an older brother who supported from day one, he came over yesterday to stay with me for couple of nights. We went to crem earlier along with Sharon’s best friend, then we went for lunch. I’ve also had some lovely messages of support from many of Sharon’s friends. Friends of mine sent me a link to a song by Enya called “If I Could Be Where You Are” it’s well worth checking out on YouTube, the words are so beautiful and meaningful, I thought they described perfectly my thoughts.

    Best wishes,

    Paul x

  • Strange how we cling to these anniversaries I'm not sure what we expect from them and I don't know how long we will cling to them but this is where we are this is us now our journey,I have family and friends but I still feel like no one but the people I chat to on this site truly gets what we are going through,I deeply hope some of you make peace with what you have been through x

  • WDJ,

    So true, 55 and want my old life back and plan for our retirement, we worked bloody hard, now what ?

