First anniversary looming

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I can’t quite believe that one week from today it will be year since I lost my Dave. All I can think about is what was happening at this  time last year - tonight we were in A&E as he’d had fall and due to being on blood thinners they needed to check out where he banged his head. i seem to be recalling all the tiniest details - the room we were in, the sandwiches the nurse brought, the time he started to lose control, the dr asking me to help while he got the cannula in as there was no nurse available, a child crying for his mum in the paediatric section, silly little things  Not sure how my brain retained all of these details because since then everything has seemed so fuzzy

 Little did we know what would happen in that week. Yes he’d been ill for a while and  he was on palliative care but it all happened so fast in the end. Before we went in that day he was mobile (limited but still able to get up and downstairs - go for short walks etc) he was eating well etc. Then within a week he was gone. People say it’s a blessing- that at least he didn’t suffer for a long time and deep down I’m sure they’re right but it just doesn’t help. I miss him more and more each day. 

Jillybean Broken heart

  • Hello Jilybean 74 

    You got through it, well done! Not easy though is it.

    Just about the better memories? I am trying with that one too. Lots of photos of Barry around the house, plus he was a professional photographer, so have even more. Hoping to have an exhibition of his work next year. Keeping me busy and focused .

    Wearing one of his bodywarmers today. Very comforting!

    Take care 


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • hi, i’ve tried the photos around but sadly doesn’t help.  I do so hope the memories come back Cry

    Take care everybod



  • No one has mentioned the one thing I really find the most difficult and that is eating, I have no appetite I don't enjoy anything especially the meals we shared, nothing tastes the same,and on the odd occasion I do enjoy a meal I feel guilty,he has died and I'm enjoying food seems so shallow snd self indulgent, this is how deep grief must affect us .

  • We all must have a song we like that embraces what we had iv only recently heard this,

    Glimpse of us

    By joji

  • Yes I do, in fact there are two and I had both played at Sharon's funeral - You Make Me Feel Brand New by Simply Red & You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me by Gladys Knight .

    They sum up my love for Sharon perfectly Broken heart

    Best wishes to all.Cry

    Paul x

  • Good choice,timeless classics.

    • I have exactly the same problem with food as you I can't bring myself to enjoy anything  i just make  sandwiches or put something in the microwave and feel like I'm just eating to stay alive if I go out with my daughter I look at the menu and it just might as well be looking at a blank page because nothing makes me want to order it I always say I'll have such and such because their waiting for me to decide  ,and if there's one of Lynne's favourites I can't order it because it's too upsetting knowing she would have ordered it,  best wishes ,Terry 
  • Hi, well tomorrow at 9.35pm it will be precisely 12 months since I lost my amazing wife Sharon, the only lady I have ever truly loved and who loved me. Now I miss her more than ever and dread tomorrow coming. Before meeting Sharon I was never inclined to write love notes or poems, but did so regularly for my Sharon. I want to share with you a poem I wrote to Sharon for our first wedding anniversary 20/7/21, sadly we were apart that evening as Sharon was in the Christie hospital. We never managed to celebrate our wedding anniversary before she passed.

    ”Thinking Of You”

    No matter what I do

    It doesn’t matter where I go

    Or whatever I may see

    I will always be thinking of you.

    Whether I mow the lawn

    Or water the plants

    One thing is for sure

    I am always thinking of you.

    I feed the birds

    Take care of the flowers

    Whatever it may be

    Be sure I’m thinking of you.

    Sitting at my desk

    Or reading a magazine

    No matter what it is

    I will always be with you.

    The clouds float by

    A breeze catches the trees

    I can watch it all

    While I am thinking of you.

    I sit in the garden

    Listening to the tunes

    Whatever I see or hear

    It will always remind me of you.

    I will love and cherish you always my darling.

    Best Wishes to you all, Paul x

  • How lucky were we to have experienced true love,you will be ok tomorrow the love you had will comfort you x

  • Hope you got through the day ok x