First Holidays

  • 22 replies
  • 33 subscribers

I'm coming up to my first long holiday away on my own in a few days time. I'm very apprehensive. I'm even sitting here thinking can I do it? It's going to be very emotional.


  • That's exactly how I have felt too. I have been 'fine' when away but immediately upon returning to the house I have a mini breakdown and the emotion just takes over.


  • Hello again 

    Just reading all these posts about going away on your own for the first time. So apt. I am daunted by the thought to be honest! Given hope though here that I might just survive! More worried about leaving my beloved cat Missy.

    I haven't even been back to Scotland in about 10 years now. To many changes there too. I am not ready yet is what I wanted to say. It will maybe come in time?

    Much love and hugs Fifinet xx

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "