To Stay or Not To Stay?

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That is the question! I just can't decide.

Although it's early days I just can't see me staying in our house. Too many cancer incidents have taken place. I've kept so much from others as to what went on during the treatment and particularly the last night we spent together in the house when nothing was helping with the pain. I go into some rooms and just relive it all over again.

I'll make the decision when the time comes but I'm about 90% sure already that I can't stay here long term. The only positive aspect is the garden when I look out and think I could watch it develop into what we wanted it to be. But that's not really a reason to stay. I don't have to stay for work as am in a profession where I can work anywhere in UK, or abroad, if I get an offer. No other family member lives near either.

Just another thing to ponder over! 

I'd be interested to hear what others have done in regard to this.

Take care,