Some days are so lonely

  • 23 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi, my lovely wife passed away from metastatic breast cancer on 14th November last year and it has been so hard. Some days are OK and I can get on with things but then I get days when I feel so low and miss her so much. Sometimes I just sit and cry. We had known since 2016, when her breast cancer returned, that her condition couldn't be cured and, unless a miracle cure was found, she wouldn't survive the illness. It was just a matter of hoping that something would happen in cancer research or that we would have a number of years together. She passed away quite quickly in the end, coming home from hospital on 9th November and slipping away 5 days later. I am thankful that she didn't suffer a long drawn-out death, that would have been too much to bear.

But I miss her so much. I miss doing mind puzzles with her, going out for a drive, going on holiday, watching favourite TV programmes. I just can't get my head round that I won't see her again. I am having bereavement counseling through the local hospice, and that is a great help. I have read other people's posts and realise that I am not alone in the feelings I am getting.

It's been tough the last few weeks .... Mother's Day, my birthday, my late wife's birthday, Easter ... all family events that she loved.

So, it would be good to get to know people on here where we are all going through the same feelings.

Thank you.


  • Signed up for grief counseling…first meeting tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions Thumbsup tone2 Hoping it helps with healing. 

  • Excellent, please let us know how it goes

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I too have relief that my husbands illness was so very short diagnosed 10/9/21 died 16/10/21 not all test results back and hadn’t started any treatment. He was scared of what the treatment would do to him & how it would make him feel so grateful he didn’t get to this stage but like you sorry we didn’t get to talk more or have that final conversation.

    keep posting on here it’s good to get feelings out in the open and realise you are not on your own with your thoughts xx