Lost my partner only 3 weeks after diagnosis

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  1. My partner died 5 weeks ago, he was only 47. He had pneumonia then they said it was stage 4 lung cancer. He came out of hospital for 10 days once he didn't need oxygen, but after his PET scan his condition  worsened and he went back into hospital. He died 4 days later, no one said he was going to die so quickly. The last 4 days were very distressing and he wasn't comfortable at all especially when they moved him to the respiratory ward for the last 2 days of his life, I have some issues with his treatment and care to be honest. I had gone home at the end of visiting, they called me a few hours later and he was already gone when I got there.

I hadn't met his family, we met at the beginning of lockdown,  he had a little girl from another relationship that he was trying to maintain good contact with so we were waiting for the right time, she was the most important. Unfortunately they haven't recognised my role and I had to get my things from his hoyse give the keys back straight away, his mum started clearing immediately. They invited me to the funeral, I was mentioned as a friend who was helping him,  but I've no idea what is happening with his ashes now.

I've never felt so much pain, it's unbearable 

  • Hi Lily 

    That is awful but I understand where you are coming from. I have been angry about it all since Ric died. I tried Pals but they were not helpful so I gave up as it was upsetting me more than it was helping.

    Try and bash it out with someone. I did eventually get over the shock of the suddenness and that became relief it was so quick and reduced suffering in the end.

    Take care. Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Thank you. Yes able to visit and went today. Much more comfortable and no distress. So thankful that they have eased the suffering for him at least. I have visited family and been looked after so am lucky and grateful.