Can't sleep

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  • 34 subscribers

I haven't posted for a while, my wife of 38 years aged 61 died on Aug 24th from Oesphageal cancer. She went through so much pain in her last year and it's that suffering I dwell on. She died at home and I feel my brain is still on a loop thinking about the day she was told she had stage 4 cancer, the chemo, the sickness and death. I wanted to get Christmas over,  and I thought I might feel better with it behind me but now I fear the New Year. I'm just siting here in silence at 3:20 in the morning thinking sad thoughts, life can be so brutal. I've had to go back to work but I can't motivate myself. My colleagues are kind but they treat it and compare it to the end of a relationship and I cannot explain to them the pain and loss of losing a life partner. I know I will be forever sad, I guess the pain will diminish but with each passing day I feal I'm drifting away from Lorraine and I don't want to. I guess the problem with this group is that there are no answers, we are all in the same boat. I just felt the need to post this to relieve some of the pain. Thanks for listening.


  • Such lovely natured dogs King Charles. Years ago, we were planning on having one from a friends Blenheim, called Emma, such a lovely dog,  for our daughter, Emma got out, visited the bearded collie, down the road, a couple of months later, several puppies were born. I finished up having two. Our daughter named them Lady and Tramp, I’m sure you’ll know why, Lady was very King Charles, Tramp,  a hairy scruff, both so sweet, lived 17 years, broke my heart when when they went. Actually my brother in Australia has one now, he’s besotted. 
    Sounds like Mark, knew what you might need,  you hold both Louie and Honey close, you’ll all benefit from a cuddle…..take care Jayne xxx

  • Wishing everyone the best day you can have. I hope you find some relief from the heartache  for a little while. I'm in work today, if its busy it's distracting and helpful. If it's quiet it means I'm sitting on my own with nothing to do for hours which isn't good.. My cocker spaniel died a few days before Ken, I had a rescue cat then but sadly he got run over a few months later. Have decided another dog would be the better option,  but as I work 3 long days a week that can't happen. It's horrible having an empty house. When you are on your own, everything is down to you, no one to discuss things with, no one to help out. All the clichés say that it makes you stronger, maybe it will after its battered you completely.. Don't even know how I am anymore, a better or worse person

    Love is eternal
  • Hello

    Really sorry to hear your sad news, it’s really not fair.

    your comment, “When you are on your own, everything is down to you, no one to discuss things with, no one to help out”
    is really so true, that’s how I feel, it was so easy to simply ask our partner for advice or their opinion, but no more, I sense that loss deeply.

    keep safe and well

    P.S. Did you see my friendship request Sunglasses

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hello Linda

    I sent you a friend request, if it doesn’t work, you can email and they will sort it out

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories