I need a hug

  • 12 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I have just hit the 12 month mark since I lost my husband and best friend and although I think I am getting better at copping with the big hole in my Hart the biggest thing I miss is his hugs 

Last night I was in tears thinking about all the times I would tell him to pack it in when he would come up behind me and give me a big hug when I was trying to cook  or going out of the house I would tell him he would make me late 

If I could turn back time I would cherish every hug he gave me for as long as I could

When someone tries to give me a one arm hug I makes me cringe as I don't like letting  people get into my personal space but in the last 12 months I have only had 2 propped hugs 1st by my step son when he broke the news that Neil passed when it was his turn to say goodbye to his dad in hospital and the 2nd was from Neil best freind the day Neil was cremated 

I am only 42 would not want to be with anyone else but I do think you need to be able to hire a man to just hold you tight as if nothing could hurt you and everything is going to be ok 

  • I was the same with my husband, always pushing him off as I was trying to do the housework or rushing out the door for work and letting him settle for a quick peck on the cheeky. What I wouldn't give right now for one last warm and comforting hug. I'm not sure if this would help but I find it really comforting some nights, I bought a pregnancy pillow and I've placed one of Kenny's jumpers on it and sprayed it with his aftershave and hug it tight. It's the little things that can sometimes help the most. Sending you a huge virtual two-armed hug Kate 41 xx

  • It is only just coming up to 6 weeks for me since Craig passed away and I completely agree it’s the hug I want more than anything as well as another conversation as he was taken suddenly from me. I am very grateful when heading out of the door we always told each other ‘love you’. At night I miss putting my head on the right side of his chest and him putting his arm around my shoulder, my head just seemed to fit in this position and I would often fall asleep.

    Other people’s hugs are just not the same even though they mean well.

    perhaps we in this group all need to meet up if only to give hugs to one another, sending virtually in the meantime Kate41.

    Tracey xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi, your thread really made me sad.  I also miss the daily hugs from Rob and catching me unawares when cooking, cleaning etc.  I’m also not really a hugger with other people. He called them cuggles.

    The last hug I had with Rob was about a week before he died, He was in the lounge on the settee and as I helped him up he hugged me and then did it again.  My daughter caught  the hugs on camera.  I’m in my night dress, no make up on and looking a mess!  After that Rob had forgotten who I was and never hugged me again. 

    I love the idea of hiring a man for a hug!

    Sending you a massive virtual cuggle.


  • Thanks for all the virtual hugs I have put pillows down his side of the bed and spay the room and the pillows with his deodorant he only used one type I have to keep buying more every time i run out it does help to lean into something to fall asleep. its not the real thing but will have to do 

  • I agree, we should all meet up and give each others proper hugs!

    I'm now thinking that I should maybe reconvert into professional hugger man for hire and make money while getting the right dose of hugs for myself!Sweat smile Grin

    The pillow does help, I do that too. And it feels a bit the empty space.

    I've started giving myself self hugs as well sometimes. It's not the same, but it does work a bit.

    Take care xx

  • Devin great idea with the new line of work put yourself a business plan together and get yourself on the apprentice, sure there would be plenty of takers

    sending virtual hugs 2 u for today 

    Tracey xx

  • Part of me thinks it should all be free. And that everyone should do it. That would make the world a much better place if we could ask a hug easily once in a while.

    When Juliette passed away last year I very quickly set up a hug policy with my two daughters. Whenever one of us needs a hug, you just have to ask and you get a double hug for as long as needed, days or nights, etc. We use it less these days but it's still there and still working.

    I get hugs sometime from good friends but clearly we should be able to hug more people, because both parties benefit from it!

    Kindness is the word.

    Virtual hugs to you too

    Antoine xx

  • Hi Kate41 and all on this thread,

    This is an interesting thread. I am sending all of you a virtual hug as I am writing this.

    Personally, as I was thinking about this, I realised that I don't often imagine or whish for a hug from Paul. I don't know whether this is because I have learned after three and a half years to live with the fact that it is never going to happen or whether indeed I don't allow myself to go there because it would hurt too much.

    Love Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Kate,

    You are only three years older than me.

    You know, for a long time I thought that I would never ever want to be with another man. But, more recently, I do think about that in a different way and am somewhat surprised myself to feel that yes I do want to have another partner. I just cannot contemplate the thought o being on my own for the rest of my life. Of course nobody knows how long it is going to be, but when I think that all going well I will have even another 40 years on this earth and these 40 years should be spent on my own it breaks my heart even more - or maybe in a different way - than it is already broken. I would so love to share my life with somebody again one day.

    Love, Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.