Feeling so alone at times

  • 46 replies
  • 31 subscribers


This is the first time I have posted anything on here.

It's been just over 1 year and 6 months since I lost my fiancé, Rob to cancer.

I thought I was coping ok but I have been finding things more difficult since life became more "normal" again. I think I feel more acutely what I have lost, now people can have a more normal lifestyle again.

I think one of the things I find the hardest is the loneliness. Rob was my best friend and the person who was always there whatever. I struggle with not having someone who is completely that...

My friends are amazing, they have helped me get through so much this last year and half.. just they also have their own lives to be living and I don't want to expect them to be there for me every time things get a bit tough... 

To be honest I am posting this more to express how I am feeling out loud rather than looking for any specific response... But it would be nice to know if other people feel the same way and how they cope with it...

Thank you in advance

  • Hi eveyone,I'm having a bit of a wobble myself today it's 14months for me and the last few weeks if been ok really then all of a sudden yesterday I just keep worrying about the future etc, I thought I would be getting over things a bit better by now but if realised it's going to take longer than I thought, I work a few hours so that helps but don't sleep to well, iv always been like that tho I go thro phases of sleeping ok then not ,in got a lovely family and nice friends so I'm trying to be grateful for what I have ,take care Sue x

  • Hi Sue,

    I'm roughly at the same place as you as I've lost my wife 13 months and a half ago. It's been a bit harder this last week for me as well. I don't know if it's a combo of shorter days, grim weather, or the fact that she loved autumn so much and her birthday approaching etc. But I'm not as cheerful as I was a few weeks ago.

    I think it's phases. I had a cold earlier this week and that was enough to make me sad, thinking that life was sooooo much easier when Juliette was still around. Now everything is a fight and I think I get tired sometimes of having to fight to feel okay.

    It's a great idea to remember to be grateful for what we have.

    Take care xx

  • Hey everyone

    Sorry I have been absent this week, been very busy so have only had chance to read everyone's messages and not reply to everyone.

    Thank you for all your replies it helped me to know you guys were there. I hope everyone is feeling ok today?

    I wobbled again slightly on Friday when first got home (seems to be a bit of a pattern at the moment), my cousin was coming to mine for the evening so that helped. I did a long bike ride between Scarborough and Whitby (part of a challenge I am doing in Robs memory) with him and another friend on Saturday so that kept me busy and I have been ok again since then.

    The weather change this weekend is definitely making things harder though. I had to put the heating on this weekend, winter is definitely heading in. I will try to reply to everyone in a couple of days

    Lots of hugs and best wishes


    • Hi Devlin i deffo think the weather plays a part in how we feel, but its hard trying to be positive sometimes but we have to keep plodding on take care Sue x
  • Hi Lizzie i think when your out or with someone it distracts you a bit and its when you come home and close the door you realise your on your own and it takes some getting used to as i was with my hubby for 40 years so its a long road ahead  take care Sue x

  • Hi Sue, that's exactly that. The person I share an office with has covid so I'm back working from home for 10 days and with that weather I'm not looking forward to it. But we have to keep plodding on indeed. Can't wait for Spring! Smiley

    Take care xx