Feeling so alone at times

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  • 31 subscribers


This is the first time I have posted anything on here.

It's been just over 1 year and 6 months since I lost my fiancé, Rob to cancer.

I thought I was coping ok but I have been finding things more difficult since life became more "normal" again. I think I feel more acutely what I have lost, now people can have a more normal lifestyle again.

I think one of the things I find the hardest is the loneliness. Rob was my best friend and the person who was always there whatever. I struggle with not having someone who is completely that...

My friends are amazing, they have helped me get through so much this last year and half.. just they also have their own lives to be living and I don't want to expect them to be there for me every time things get a bit tough... 

To be honest I am posting this more to express how I am feeling out loud rather than looking for any specific response... But it would be nice to know if other people feel the same way and how they cope with it...

Thank you in advance

  • I also rebuilt my life, moved forward, have a new relationship, got lots of friends, work, go out etc but sometimes I feel alone. 

    I have a heavy viral thing at the moment. There is no one to really look after me and making that cup of tea when you feel rubbish is harder. This is a time I feel alone! 

    I wouldn't ask for help or express myself so I get it 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • 13 months in, I totally understand what you mean. Most days I'm really fine, moving on with my life, doing things, etc. Friends all around, family further away but still available, and today I feel lonely. I think the weather is affecting me more than it should!

    So I'm vacuuming, so many stuff to do in the house, it's distracting but it's not a good day.

    Regarding friends I've often felt that the good ones who say they're here for you anytime actually are. It's harder to reach out when were struggling it seems, that's not right!

    In any case we're here. Xx

  • I totally understand that 'alone' feeling. life becoming more 'normal' won't be normal for us again I don't think. The dark nights are creeping in making the evenings longer than we want! At least sping/summer and early Autumn it's been light enough to do some garden work or more fence painting (Ronseal 1 coat should be called once a week paint!!)  

    Keep reading /posting EHugs I think I'm coping ok 77 weeks on this lonely journey, work helps and friends are great but the house is empty when I get home and Colin's 4 grown up sons (my stepsons since 2000) have their own lives to lead.


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Alison hope you get over not being 100% soon. 

    Sandra x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Good to hear someone say 'vacuuming' lol!! my husband used to get mad at people saying 'Hoovering'   Hoover is a brand he would remind me Wink nobody says they're going to do the Sharking Laughing


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you Sandra. Feeling a bit better today but that was all the brandy hot toddys! Lol 

    My kids made a fuss of me last night too and we had a bit of a laugh watching a film. Made a lovely change.

    Your husband was right too about vacuuming! 

    I think dark nights will make it hard and I thought I was the only one that thought ronseal fence paint is crap! 

    It is nice to hear from old friends on here 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Thank you Alison

    I am sorry to hear you are not well currently. I hope you feel better soon. I can imagine times when we are unwell is probably hardest.. 

    I am glad I am not the only one who feels like this, I think things have been harder since the nights have started drawing inGrimacingSlight smile

  • Also not sure what the voting tool thing does accidentally knocked it Joy 

  • Thank you for posting Devin and your kind words

    Yeah I think the weather and dark nights are effecting me too at present. I am feeling better today.. but was really struggling last night hence the post.

    I know what you mean about close friends being there and really not minding. My two closest friends would want me to talk to them just one is currently home in Poland and I don't like troubling her when she is so far away. Also agree what you say that sometimes it is hardest to reach out when you really need someone there.

    I like your vacuuming approach and think sometimes distraction is the only way to get through.. I am probably a bit to good at the distraction approach trying to make sure I face things more..

  • Thank you BootsyD

    Yeah it is hard to think of a normal life these days.

    Those dark nights make winter feel so close and definitely it do not help. I love being outside, I run, horse ride and cycle but now nights are drawing in it makes it hard to do any of these and then makes the evening feel long and empty at times.

    I completely feel you with the lonely house. I do have our two fur babies (two cats which help) which does help with this.. they seem to like hanging out with me most of the time.

    I am doing better today. The weather has been quite nice here (north east England) so managed to go for a bike ride and also went to see the horse I share. I hope you managed to enjoy your garden today?
