My husband passed away 2 weeks ago unable to cope

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Hello everyone, my husband who was only 55 yrs passed away 2 weeks ago and the funeral was yesterday. He was diagnosed last Feb 2020 with cancer of the tonsil and soft palate never smoked or drank. He went through gruelling treatment during COVID and was not given chemo with radiotherapy as the preferred choice as Drs were concerned of risk of Covid so only gave radiotherapy 36 sessions his head neck cancer was clear but it had spread to his lungs and was palliative. He was always positive and was okay for a few months but the last couple months suffered especially the last few weeks which were a nightmare at times, unfortunately the local mon-frid hospice and community palliative team were not good . Macmillan nurses and Marie curie did not cover our area. My husband died at home and suffered the last couple of hours due to no resources to give more medication. I am crying all the time due to knowing he suffered and should not have. I am missing him so much, I feel empty and almost unbearable at times I absolutely hate being on my own for the shortest amount of time. I really still cannot believe it we were do happy had so many dreams plans he was so clever and kind caring loving and a huge part of our family, he worked hard 38 hrs for the same company with dreams of retirement. I don’t know how to cope without him , o gave up work 6 months ago to care for him please help