Bad day

  • 32 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Does anyone else have days that they just fail, and cry over everything? Today was one of those. Things were complicated for us in that we were also badly injured in a major accident many years ago. That had lasting repercussions for us. Looking back at photos there is before and after. I feel I am double grieving. 

And the pandemic means far too much time alone. I try to keep really busy and really I have done so many bits of diy stuff over the past weeks. But we do have to stop sometimes. And probably the death of the Prince Philip added to it.


  • Hi Jeb el,

    Wow w2hat a powerful story. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.



    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Jebel,

    Your story is such a beautiful one but its also tainted with such sadness that I’m touched by it as well.

    Thats the thing with cancer isn’t it, you really do hope that your story is going to be different and your loved one is the person that will get better and you’re hoping and praying they do get better, but alas in all the cases on this forum that didn’t happen and that really saddens me that any of us have had to join the forum and feel this much pain.

    I wish our endings had been different but alas they aren’t and all we have at this present moment in time is sadness but we have to believe there is hope for us all and a new life, yes it will be a sadder life, but a new life without our soulmates as thats what they would have wanted for us.

    I know this hasn’t happened for me yet and I know it will be a long time before it does but we must hang on to this thought as thats what I believe will get us all through these sad times the hope that we can live a new life at some point.

    I do hope we all find peace one day, Ian x